21 Sep. 2016: Press Release on "The Radial Acceleration Relation in Rotationally-Supported Galaxies" @ The Daily of CWRU, Newswise, Nanowerk,, ScienceDaily, (e) Science News.

22 Sep. 2016: ASI (Italian Space Agency) on the Radial Acceleration Relation (in Italian).

23 Sep. 2016: Forbes on the Radial Acceleration Relation (by Brian Koberlein).

23 Sep. 2016: AstroBlogs on the Radial Acceleration Relation (in Dutch).

24 Sep. 2016: The Daily Galaxy on the Radial Acceleration Relation.

29 Sep. 2016: Forbes on the Radial Acceleration Relation (by Ethan Siegel).

30 Sep. 2016: InsideScience on the Radial Acceleration Relation (by Charles Choi).

02 Oct. 2016: The Guardian on the Radial Acceleration Relation (by Jon Butterworth).

02 Oct. 2016: Article by "Il Manifesto" (National Italian newspaper, free account required). Printed version here. Pre-print pdf here (in Italian).

05 Oct. 2016: Physics Buzz on the Radial Acceleration Relation (by Kendra Redmond).

07 Oct. 2016: Physics World on the Radial Acceleration Relation (by Keith Cooper).

12 Oct. 2016: BackReaction on the Radial Acceleration Relation (by Sabine Hossenfelder).

15 Oct. 2016: Futura Sciences on the Radial Acceleration Relation (by Laurent Sacco, in French).

26 Oct. 2016: Forbes on the Radial Acceleration Relation and LCDM simulations (by Ethan Siegel).

31 Oct. 2016: BackReaction on the Radial Acceleration Relation, Modified Gravity, and LCDM simulations (by Sabine Hossenfelder).

01 Nov. 2016: Forbes on the Radial Acceleration Relation, Modified Gravity, and LCDM simulations (by Ethan Siegel).

07 Nov. 2016: Media INAF on the Radial Acceleration Relation (by Corrado Ruscica, in Italian).

28 Nov. 2016: Elusives paper of the month: the Radial Acceleration Relation in Rotationally Supported Galaxies.

29 Nov. 2016: Quanta Magazine on Verlinde's Emergent Gravity and the Radial Acceleration Relation.

02 Dec. 2016: Stone Telescope on the Radial Acceleration Relation (by Peter Martinson).

21 Dec. 2016: The Wire on Verlinde's Emergent Gravity.

16 Feb. 2017: Press Release on "One Law to Rule Them All: the Radial Acceleration Relation of Galaxies" @ The Daily of CWRU, SpaceRef, ScienceNewsline,, ZeroToInfinity, ScienceDaily, AstroWatch, Nanowerk, HiTechDays.

July 2017: THINK magazine

July 2017: Has dogma derailed the scientific search for dark matter? Aeon 7/17

July 2017: The Superfluid Universe Aeon 7/17