Organizers: Stacy McGaugh, Federico Lelli, Marcel Pawlowski, Benoit Famaey
A few pictures from the breaks.
Program | Local Maps | Venue | Logistics | Participants | Room 356 |
Activities | Block Schedule | Nord Hall |
We will bring together scientists with diverse perspectives for discussion
of topics related to dwarf galaxies and the dark matter problem. The
program will be informal, with
room for all who wish to speak and plenty of time for
informal discussion.
Motivation: The field of dwarf galaxy research has expanded dramatically with the discovery of low surface brightness galaxies in the Local Group and the field. This workshop will convene experts to discuss the nature of dwarf galaxies generally, with special attention to dwarf satellite galaxies and tidal dwarf galaxies formed during the encounters of giant galaxies. We will debate the implications these objects have for galaxy formation theory, the small scale problems of ΛCDM, and tests of alternative forms of dark matter and modified gravity theories. |
with generous support from the John Templeton Foundation