Dwarf Galaxies on the Shoulders of Giants


Stephen Alexander
Indranil Banik
Giuseppina Battaglia
Gurtina Besla
Chris Brook
Alyson Brooks
Mike Boylan-Kolchin
James Bullock
Graeme Candlish
Michelle Collins
Francoise Combes
Arianna Di Cintio
Jörg Dabringhausen
Benoit Famaey
Francois Hammer
Xavier Hernandez
Justin Khoury
Pavel Kroupa
Rachel Kuzio de Naray
Anastasya Lazutkina
Karen Lee-Waddell
Federico Lelli
Mario Mateo
David Merritt
Stacy McGaugh
Chris Mihos
Oliver Muller
Marcel Pawlowski
Sylvia Plockinger
Justin Read
Florent Renaud
James Schombert
Matthew Walker