ASTR 120

Introductory Astrophysics
Solar System

Fall 2005

Prof: Stacy McGaugh
office: CSS 1251
phone: (301) 405-7897
office hours: Tu 12:15 PM - 2 PM
TA: Stacy Teng
office: CSS 0202
phone: (301) 405-8523
office hours: Wed 1 PM - 3 PM
Lecture in CSS 2428
Tu-Th 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Discussion in CSS 1113
F 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Text: Universe (7th edition)
ISBN 0-7167-6995-6
by Freedman & Kaufmann

Course Information

Useful Links

FINAL GRADES: University interpretation of Federal privacy law effectively forbids the posting of final grades by the professor. You may obtain grade information directly from the University through MARS or TESTUDO.
Final Exams and other graded work can be picked up from Stacy Teng.

Homework 1 | Solutions
Homework 2 | Solutions
Homework 3 | Solutions
Homework 4 | Solutions
Homework 5 | Solutions
Homework 6 | Solutions

I have placed a copy of the textbook on reserve at the Engineering and Physical Sciences Library. The easiest way to get there is to enter the front of the Math building and take the right hand corridor from the circular entrance hall.