HONR 219Q Class Meetings

All classes meet Tuesdays at 2pm in CSS 2316 unless otherwise noted.
Readings, and written responses thereto (RR), are to be completed BEFORE the meeting for which they are assigned.

Work Due
Jan. 29 Introduction
Accessible observational facts
Human and Geological timeline
- -
Feb. 5 Gods & Myths
Creation myths
Modes of human knowledge
Harrison: Chapters 1, 25 RR*
Feb. 12 The Ancient Philosophers Stenudd: All
Feb. 19 Revolutions
Copernicus to Galileo
Harrison: Chapter 2
Explore Copernicus, Brahe, Galileo, Kepler
Read Galileo: Starry Messenger
Abbreviated Dialogue | Full Dialogue
Feb. 26 The Clockwork Universe
Newton, Descartes
Harrison: Chapters 3 & 4 RR
Mar. 4 An Expanding Reality
Einstein & Hubble
Harrison: Chapters 7, 8 & 14
See also this AIP website
Mar. 18 SPRING BREAK - -
Mar. 25 Model Universes Harrison: Chapters 15, 18 No RR
Apr. 1 The Hot Big Bang Harrison: Chapters 19, 20 RR
Apr. 8 Inflation Harrison: Chapters 21, 22
Class Handout. See also
Ned Wright's cosmology tutorial, especially
Flatness & Horizon & Inflation
Apr. 15 The Dark Side
Physics colloquium
Planetarium trip 4/16
Dark Matter:
A brief primer | A modest primer | Dr. Dark Matter
Other Perspectives:
Does dark matter exist? | Dark matter is dead
Apr. 22 Multiverses
Can cosmology be a science?
Class Handout (Tegmark)
The Case Against Cosmology (Disney)
Apr. 29 Prof. McGaugh at DDA meeting Reschedule to Planetarium trip April 16. -
May 6 - Term Paper now due by noon Thursday May 8.
Turn in to me (CSS 1251) or my mailbox (CSS 1205).
May 13 Life in the Universe Harrison: Chapter 26
Drake's Equation
Meet in
ARM 0102
May 19 10:30AM - 12:30PM - FINAL

*RR = Reading Response: one page written response to assigned reading.

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