Cosmology and the Structure of the Universe

ASTR/PHYS 328/428

Fall 2020
MW 3:20-4:35PM
Remote via Zoom

Prof. Stacy McGaugh
stacy.mcgaugh [at]

Open Zoom Hours
Tuesdays 1:30-2:30PM
Fridays 2:00-3:00PM
Same zoom id as class

Introduction to Cosmology
Second edition
Barbara Ryden

Other texts and literature
This link lists more in-depth material
including graduate level textbooks
and important journal articles.

Course Links

Lecture Notes & Slides

Course Description | Outline | Learning Outcomes | Course Work and Grades | Debate Project

Syllabus (the preceding links) in PDF format

Important dates

Course News

Thanks to everyone for their perseverance in making it through a challenging semester.

Useful Links

Some useful numbers
Astronomical magnitude systems
Cosmology Calculators: Ned Wright's cosmo calculator & Advanced calculator | iCosmos | links to more

Key results summary by John Peacock
Distance measures in cosmology by David Hogg
Selected gems from the literature

arXiv e-print archive (astro-ph). Most physics & astronomy papers appear here as preprints
ADS (the NASA Astrophysical Data System), an excellent way to search the literature
Level 5, an Extragalactic Kowledgebase at NED

Tips from Prof. Mihos

Error propagation
Homework tips
Python help
astropy cosmology help & hints

Useless Links

Cosmic perspective
Cultural appropriation of dark matter
Monty Python's Galaxy Song (the quoted numbers are correct, as known at the time).