Derive the density ρ(r) associated with the
spherically symmetric Plummer potential
What are the values of
ASTR 433 only:
Consider the effects of solar motion on the above questions, given that
the peculiar velocity of the sun exceeds that of the LSR in the Y direction
by somewhere between 5 and 15 km/s. You may express your answer as a percentage
change to each quantity for each of the two limits on V⊙.
The Oort constants are commonly defined and employed in the solar
neighborhood, but of course their definition could be applied to any
location in the galaxy, or for that matter, to any galaxy.
In addition to flat rotation curves, many galaxies show a region of
"solid body" rotation. Consider a galaxy whose rotation curve is
approximated by
Note: the slope m is the slope of the rotation curve and has
nothing to do with the mode number of a bar: do not set the
slope equal to 2; solve for it in terms of Vf and R0.
Related reading: Section 6.3, Binney & Tremaine (2nd edition)
[especially 6.3.3]
What do these density profiles imply for the total halo mass? (i.e.,
what do they integrate to as r ⇒ ∞?)
Derive the circular speed V(R) of a test particle orbiting in these mass
ASTR 433 only:
A specific choice of stellar mass-to-light ratio is provided in
the data file. Repeat the exercise assuming instead that M/L = 0.5 for both
bulge and disk components.
Milky Way Kinematics
Use three pieces of information to quantify some basic properties of our
Milky Way Galaxy:
[You may ignore the peculiar motion of the sun here.]
For comparison, the baryonic mass of the Milky Way is about
6 x 1010 M⊙. Most but certainly not all of this
is interior to the solar radius.
While this might sound like a minor effect, it is the second
largest uncertainty in establishing the scale of our Galaxy (the
first being our distance from the Galactic center).
Generalized Oort "Constants"
V = mR for R < R0 V = Vf for R > R0
[Hint: what is m in terms of Vf and R0?]
Comment on the identification of Oort's constant A with "shear"
and the description of this rotation curve as "solid body".
Dark Matter Halos
The asymptotically flat rotation curves of galaxies are usually
interpreted to require extended halos of dark matter.
Two forms of halo are generally considered: empirically
motivated pseudo-isothermal halos
and "NFW" halos motivated by numerical simulations of structure
formation (Binney & Merrifield eqns 8.57 & 8.58, respectively).
[Hint: dark matter halos can be presumed to be spherical.]
How do the shapes of these halo models compare? Specifically, how
do the density ρ(r) and circular velocity V(r) behave in the limits
r → 0 and r → ∞?
Express your answers as power laws: ρ ∝ rx ↔
V ∝ ry.
Mass Models
Get the rotation curve data for
NGC 2998.
A detailed mass model of the bulge
and disk (both stellar and gaseous) is included.