ASTR 333/433 - Dark Matter
- Introduction
- Overview of the evidence and dark matter candidates
- Historical Context: Oort & Zwicky; Disk Stability
- Galaxy Dynamics
- Spiral galaxies
- Photometric properties of galaxies
- Baryonic content: stars & gas
- Stellar populations and their mass-to-light ratios
- The interstellar medium of galaxies
- Rotation curves
- Laws of galactic rotation
- Mass modeling; halo models
- Elliptical galaxies
- Tracers & orbit anisotropy
- Dwarf galaxies
- Dwarf irregulars
- Dwarf Spheroidals
- Groups & clusters of galaxies
- Timing argument in the Local Group
- Velocity dispersions and the turn-around radius
- X-ray gas and hydrostatic equilibrium
- Gravitational lensing
- Gravitational Lensing
- Weak lensing; galaxy statistics
- Strong lensing in galaxies & clusters
- Microlensing
- Cosmological Context
- Dynamical estimates of the mass density
- Big bang nucleosynhtesis
- The growth of large scale structure
- The cosmic microwave background
- Dark Matter Candidates & Searches
- Baryonic Dark Matter
- Candidates
- brown dwarfs and other very small rocks
- HI scaling; cold molecular gas
- Missing baryon problem
- hot ionized gas (the WHIM & CGM)
- Detection Strategies
- Direct observational searches
- MACHO-type searches
- Opacity of baryonic dark matter candidates
- Non-baryonic Dark Matter
- Candidates
- Neutrinos; sterile neutrinos
- WIMPs & axions
- Others: warm DM, self-interacting DM, etc.
- Detection Strategies
- Direct laboratory searches
- Indirect searches
- Collider evidence
- Modified Gravity
- the acceleration scale
- non-viable theories that can be immediately excluded
- MOND, MoG, Conformal Weyl Gravity