Course Work
Please also see the
course web page,,
where assignments will be posted and more details provided.
Course work will consist of
- 4 Problem sets
- 2 exams: a midterm and a final
- A course project (433 only)
Students enrolled in 433 will enounter additional problems on the
homeworks and exams over and above what is required for 333.
The project will explore some current aspect of the mass discrepancy
problem: observational clues, experimental searches, or theoretical
developments. It will culminate in
an oral presentation on it to the class.
Prior to the presentation, you will write an absract for distribution
to the class. Presentations will be scheduled towards the end of the semester.
Projects must be selected in consultation with Prof. McGaugh.
Ideas for projects (this list is meant to be suggestive. It is neither complete
nor exclusive.)
- Dark Matter candidates (hypotheses & motivations)
- WIMPs & Supersymmetry
- Axions
- Strange Nuggets
- Cold molecular gas
- &c.
- Dark Matter detection experiments
- Direct detection, e.g., CDMS, LUX, DAMA, etc.
- Indirect detection, e.g., Fermi (γ-rays); Ice Cube (neutrinos)
- Microlensing searches for MACHOs
- Collider constraints (i.e., should the LHC see evidence for DM particles)
- &c.
- Astronomical constraints
- There are many, many possibilities here
- Individual galaxies
- Classes of galaxies (e.g., dwarf Spheroidals)
- Clusters of galaxies
- Gravitational lensing
- Large scale structure
- The cosmic microwave background
- &c.
- &c.