Milky Way data: M* = 6.2 x 1010 M☉;
Mg = 1.2 x 1010 M☉;
V(R=20 kpc) = 213 km/s.
Twenty kpc is the practical edge of the Galactic disk.
The dark matter halo extends much further out.
Assume a vanilla ΛCDM cosmology with Ωm = 0.3,
ΩΛ = 0.7, Ωb = 0.05,
and H0 = 70 km/s/Mpc.
Hint: think carefully about which cosmic density applies to which part of this problem.
Use the SPARC data provided here to answer this question.
Consider two cases: all the data with a measured flat rotation velocity, and a high quality subset that have distance uncertainties less than 20% and Q < 3 (Q = 3 are lousy rotation curves).
Are the data well fit as a straight line? What differences do you notice
between the high quality subsample and the entire sample?
[Recall that for base 10 logarithms, the uncertainty δu in variable u
transforms to 0.43(δu/u) in log10(u).]
Consider two cases above: all the data with a measured flat rotation velocity, and a high quality subset that have distance uncertainties less than 20% and Q < 3.
Are the data well fit as a straight line? What differences do you notice between the high quality subsample and the entire sample?
ASTR 433 only:
There is an explanatory note at the bottom of the data file describing each column. Be sure you understand the meaning of the relevant columns and their physical units (e.g., luminosities are given in billions of solar luminosities). You will need to plot the data, fit it, and be able to select subsets of the data as indicated. I encourage you to use Python, but I don't want to see your code, just the results with a cogent discussion.
Look at the cooling rates in Figure 1 of Benson (2010).