Relevant textbooks
ASTR 333
ASTR 433

Spring 2016
TuTh 11:30AM-12:45PM
Sears 552

Prof. Stacy McGaugh
stacy.mcgaugh [at]
Sears 573

Office Hours
WF 2:00-3:00PM

? Galactic Dynamics
Binney & Tremaine
B&T errata

Galactic Astronomy
Binney & Merrifield
B&M errata

Galactic Astronomy
Mihalas & Binney

Galaxies in the Universe
Sparke & Gallagher

Galaxy Formation & Evolution
Mo, van den Bosch & White

Particle Dark Matter
G. Bertone et al.

Modern Cosmological
Observations and Problems

G. Bothun

The Dark Matter Problem
R.H. Sanders

(on reserve)

Course News

Thanks to everyone for a great semester!

I will place graded work not previously returned in an envelope on the bench outside my office.

Course Links

Syllabus | in PDF format
Lecture Notes & Slides
Course Work and Grades
Course Description | Course Poster
Learning Outcomes

Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4

Useful Links

Review Literature
Some useful numbers
Astronomical magnitude systems
ADS (the NASA Astrophysical Data System), an excellent way to search the literature.
arXiv e-print archive (astro-ph). Most physics & astronomy papers appear here as preprints.
Level 5, an Extragalactic Kowledgebase at NED.

Useless Links

Dark Matter in popular culture

Monty Python's Galaxy Song