ASTR 333/433 - Dark Matter
Homework 4 - Due at the beginning of class April 19

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  1. The acceleration scale

    The mass discrepancy appears at a particular physical scale, a. One way to see this is from the Tully-Fisher relation. Download the data for gas rich dwarf galaxies. These are rotationally supported systems with more gas than stars. Use these data to

  2. Brown dwarf MACHOs

  3. WIMPs in you

  4. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

    The microwave background consists of relict radiation in a blackbody distribution with
    TCMB = 2.7 K and energy density jCMB = 4 x 10-13 ergs cm-3.

  5. Ωm from Cluster Baryon Fractions

    Use the data in the table (from White & Fabian 1995) to compute the baryon fractions of these clusters (you may neglect stars, presuming the gas mass is most of the baryons). If Big Bang Nucleosynthesis tells us the baryon density Ωb h2 = 0.02, what is Ωm?
    How does your answer depend on the Hubble constant?
    Is the scatter in fb consistent with the quoted errors?
    [It may help to make a plot of some relevant quantities.]

    White & Fabian Data
    ClusterMgas ErrMgasMtot
    Coma 5.1 1.5 17
    A85 0.870.064.64
    A401 1.320.0710.1
    A478 2.380.219.28
    A545 1.910.2510.6
    A644 0.950.069.06
    A665 4.370.4622.1
    A1413 1.830.2315.9
    A1650 0.750.086.37
    A1689 2.120.1615.5
    A1763 2.610.2213.2
    A2009 1.440.1010.6
    A2029 1.260.1110.3
    A2142 2.840.1520.1
    A2163 5.460.4932.5
    A2319 1.730.1214.2
    A3186 1.760.239.50
    A3266 1.420.079.07
    A* cluster names refer to the ancient and venerable Abell catalog.
    These data assume H0 = 50 km s-1 Mpc-1.
    Mgas and Mtot are in units of 1014 Mo.
    Mgas scales as h^-5/2 (roughly),
    Mtot as h^-1.