Relevant textbooks
ASTR 333
ASTR 433

Spring 2018
TuTh 4:00-5:15PM
Sears 552

Prof. Stacy McGaugh
stacy.mcgaugh [at]
Sears 573

Office Hours
WF 2:00-3:00PM

? Galactic Dynamics
Binney & Tremaine
B&T errata

Galactic Astronomy
Binney & Merrifield
B&M errata

Galactic Astronomy
Mihalas & Binney

Galaxies in the Universe
Sparke & Gallagher

Galaxy Formation & Evolution
Mo, van den Bosch & White

Particle Dark Matter
G. Bertone et al.

Modern Cosmological
Observations and Problems

G. Bothun

The Dark Matter Problem
R.H. Sanders

(on reserve)

Course News

Thanks to all for an entertaining and stimulating semester. Have a great summer!

Exam results (out of 50): High: 49 | Low: 15 | Median: 36.
Graded exams and homework can be collected from the bench outside my office.

Course evaluations are open through May 10.

Course Links

Lecture Notes & Slides
Course Work and Grades
Course Description | Course Poster
Learning Outcomes
Syllabus (the preceding links) in PDF format.

Homework Assignments
Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4

Useful Links

Review Literature
Some useful numbers
Astronomical magnitude systems
ADS (the NASA Astrophysical Data System), an excellent way to search the literature.
arXiv e-print archive (astro-ph). Most physics & astronomy papers appear here as preprints.
Level 5, an Extragalactic Kowledgebase at NED.

Useless Links

Dark Matter in popular culture

Monty Python's Galaxy Song