Estimate the overdensity Δ for
What volume of the universe would each object correspond to now?
i.e., what is the radius of a sphere with equal mass but density equal to the cosmic mean?
(Since the universe began with uniform density, this tells you how big a chunk of the current
universe was scooped up to form each object).
[Hint: what is the appropriate mean density to compare to for each object?]
You will need to refer to scholarly resources to obtain the necessary data.
The first hit on a google search rarely qualifies. NED
is a useful resource.
It helps to think first about what data you need.
Suppose the rotation curve of the Milky Way stays flat at 220 km/s out to the "edge" of the dark matter halo at 180 kpc.
M89 is a giant elliptical galaxy with luminosity L = 1011 L☉, effective radius Re = 500 pc, and velocity dispersion σ = 252 km/s.
Draco is a dwarf Spheroidal satellite of the Milky Way. It has luminosity
L = 2 x 105 L☉,
effective radius Re = 220 pc,
and velocity dispersion σ = 10 km/s.
You may assume isotropy; i.e., the usual virial theorem applies.
Andromeda is 770 kpc away from the Milky Way and approaching us at 120 km/s. Lets assume that these two most massive galaxies of the Local Group (having a total mass m+M) started out expanding away form each other with the Hubble flow but are now falling together on a perfectly radial orbit (e = 1).
Eine kleine orbit theory |
The position of an object r(t) along an orbit can be described by the development
parameter η such that
r = a[1-e cos(η)] t = {a3/[G(m+M)]}1/2 [η-e sin(η)]
where e is the eccentricity of the orbit and a is the semimajor axis.
dr/dt = (dr/dη)/(dt/dη) =
{[G(m+M)]/a}1/2 e sin(η)/[1-e cos(η)] (see the end of chapter 4 of Sparke & Gallagher). |
ASTR 433 only:
Now suppose the orbit is not perfectly radial, but still pretty eccentric.
The development parameter doesn't change much from the e = 1 case.
Adopting e = 0.8 and η = 4.3 for an age of 13.2 Gyr,
determine the semi-major axis a of the orbit.
Assume their centers require a clearance of 100 kpc for safe passage.
That's twice the distance to the Magellanic Clouds.
Recall that the pericenter = a(1-e).
The mass discrepancy appears at a particular physical scale, a†. One way to see this is from the Tully-Fisher relation. Download the data for gas rich dwarf galaxies. These are rotationally supported systems with more gas than stars. Use these data to
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