ASTR 333/433 - Dark Matter
Homework 1
Due Feb. 6 at the beginning of class

Late homework suffers a 20% penalty
Further depreciation occurs for every day late
  1. Sky Surveys - what you see and what you get

    Use the Digital Sky Survey to examine the galaxy UGC 303. Under "Retrieve from" select POSS1 (red or blue)
    Find the same galaxy on the print of the Palomar Sky Survey (POSS1) in the cabinet to the left of the printers in the library.
    What do you see on the print that you did not see on the digitized version of the same image?
    [Hint: it is really obvious, but not about UGC 303.]
    Why is the on-line image so different from the original from which it was scanned?

  2. Plummer Potential

    Derive the density ρ(r) associated with the spherically symmetric Plummer potential Φ(r) = -GM/(r2+b2)1/2.
    Show enough steps to follow how you got from Φ to ρ. What are the limiting behaviors of ρ at small and large radii?
    I.e., what happens as r → 0? Does the density fall off exponentially as r → ∞, or what?

  3. Milky Way Kinematics

    Use these pieces of information to quantify some basic properties of our Milky Way Galaxy:

    What are the values of

  4. Local Dark Matter Density

    Assume that most of the mass of the Milky Way interrior to the solar radius Ro is in a spherical dark matter halo.

    [See the the useful numbers page for Newton's constant in convenient units.]

  5. Exponential Disks

    Spiral and irregular galaxies have azimuthally averaged radial light profiles that are tolerably well approximated as "exponential disks":
    Σ(r) = Σ0 e-r/Rd,
    where Σ0 is the central surface brightness (in solar luminosities per square parsec) and Rd is the scale length (in kpc) of a galaxy fit by this description.

    Integrate Σ(r) from 0 to 2π and r = 0 to x scale lengths (r = xRd) to obtain an expression for the luminosity enclosed by x scale lengths.

    Disk rotation curve

    Maximum Disk

    Consider a galaxy with a flat rotation curve V(r) = Vc. The condition of maximum disk is Vd,max = Vc (the contribution of the disk cannot exceed the total mass budget).