ASTR 620: Galaxies

Course Work
Four problem sets.
Term paper, not to exceed 10 pages in length (including references & figures).
Mid-term and Final Exams.
Short talk (5 minute AAS-style presentation to class).
Group Discussions.

Grading and tentative due dates:
20% Problem Sets 9/26, 10/22, 11/21, 12/5
20% Term paper 12/10*
20% Mid-term exam 11/5**
20% Final exam 12/15 (a Saturday, at 10:30AM. We'll see about that...)
10% Oral presentation 10/1, 10/3* (pending class size)
10% Class Participation - discussion papers on various dates***
* See this link for a long but hardly exhaustive list of possible topics. Please let me know your choice of topic ahead of time. Note that the class presentation will occur in early October, so you need to choose and prepare a topic early.

** Due to the disruptions of the beginning of the semester, the midterm will be rescheduled for 11/5.

*** We will occassionaly choose relevant journal articles which we will discuss as a group, led by select pairs of students. Part of lecture will be set aside for this, tentatively on Wednesdays 9/12, 9/19, 10/10, 10/29, 11/7, 11/21, 11/28.

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