Mon 12/8 | |||
Speaker | Title | PP or T? | |
1:30 PM | Brenneman | Surveying the Components of the Extragalactic X-ray Background | T |
Lauburg | N-Body Simulations of Stellar Clusters | PP | |
Teng | Star Cluters of NGC 7252 | PP | |
Zonak | Faint Blue Galaxies: Bars and Spiral Structure | PP | |
Break | |||
2:30 PM | Gross | High Redshift Radio Galaxies | PP |
Casper | Color Separation of Galaxy Types | PP | |
Lavigne | The Charateristics & Distribution of CO & HI in Spiral Galaxies | PP | |
Koeckert | Revealing Dark Matter: Promising methods of WIMP detection | PP | |
Wed 12/10 | |||
1:30 PM | Woo | Galactic Cores and Massive Black Hole Binaries | T |
Li | A relation between SMBH mass and quasar metallicity | PP | |
Bovill | Star Formation in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies | PP | |
Winter | Observations of the Edge-On Starburst Galaxy NGC 5775 | PP | |
Break | |||
2:30 PM | Zauderer | Galactic Warps | PP |
McCarthy | Determining the Rotation Curve of the Milky Way from Molecular Gas | PP | |
Zeehandelaar | Evaluation of gravitational lensing as an indicator of dark matter | PP | |
McGleam | Formation of Globular Clusters in Merging Galaxies | PP |