Vega - AB Magnitude Conversion

Band λeff mAB - mVega MSun(AB) MSun(Vega)
U 3571 0.79 6.35 5.55
B 4344 -0.09 5.36 5.45
V 5456 0.02 4.80 4.78
R 6442 0.21 4.61 4.41
I 7994 0.45 4.52 4.07
J 12355 0.91 4.56 3.65
H 16458 1.39 4.71 3.32
Ks 21603 1.85 5.14 3.29
u 3546 0.91 6.38 5.47
g 4670 -0.08 5.12 5.20
r 6156 0.16 4.64 4.49
i 7472 0.37 4.53 4.16
z 8917 0.54 4.51 3.97
Y 10305 0.634

These data are mostly from Blanton et al. (2007), taken from the tabulation of Paul Martini

See also this tabulation used by EZgal