Useful Readings

Here are some references and links to useful references, by topic.
This is not a required reading list, unless I explicitly assign a particular article.
The purpose of this list is simply to give you a guide to further reading for topics you find interesting or incomprehensible in the textbook.
See also on-line resources like Ned Wright's Cosmology Tutorial and calculator.


Peebles, chapters 4, 5, 12
Peacock, chapter 3
Hogg, D.W. Distance Measures in Cosmology - a good distilation of the basics

Classic Tests

Sandage, A. 1988, ARA&A, 26, 561
Sandage, A. 1995, in The Deep Universe, Saas-Fee Advanced Course 23
Counts, Ellis, R.S. 1997, ARA&A, 35, 389
N(m), N(z): Koo, D., & Kron, R. 1992, ARA&A, 30, 613
Standard Candle: Riess et al., AJ, 116, 1009 SN Ia
Sanders, R.H. 2004, Second Aegean Summer School. Nice summary of the classic tests in the post-WMAP era.

The Hubble Constant

Bothun, chapter 2. Good, digestible discussion of the distance scale.
Peebles, chapter 5. A different perspective.
Peacock, chapter 5.
Binney & Merrifield, Galactic Astronomy, chapter 7.
Jacoby et al. 1992, PASP, 104, 599

The Age of the Universe

Vandenberg, D.A., Stetson, P.B., & Bolte, M. 1996, ARA&A, 34, 461 Globular Clusters
Binney & Merrifield, Galactic Astronomy, chapter 6.1.4.

For more details:
Chaboyer, B., Demarque, P., Kernan, P.J., Krauss, L. 1998, ApJ, 494, 96 but see also
Chaboyer, B., Sarajedini, A., & Demarque, P. 1992, ApJ, 394, 515
Oswalt, T.D., Smith, J.A., Wood, M.A., & Hintzen, P. 1996, Nature, 382, 692 White Dwarfs
Wood, M.A. 1992, ApJ, 386, 539
Nittler, L.R., & Cowsik, R. 1997, 1997, PRL, 78(2), 175 Isotopic composition of Interstellar Grains
Cowan et al. 1997, ApJ, 480, 246 Radioactive Decay Chronometers

The Density Paramter

Strauss, M.A., & Willick, J.A. 1995, Physics Reports, 261, 271

The Deceleration Parameter

Sandage, A.R. 1995, in The Deep Universe, Saas-Fee Advanced Course 23 A review of many things, including early attempts to measure q0.
Riess, A.G., et al. 1998, AJ, 116, 1009 An application of the Standard Candle test with SN Ia which appears to favor negative q0 and a finite cosmological constant.

The Cosmological Constant

Carroll, S., Press, W.H., & Turner, E.L. 1992, ARA&A, 30, 499
Cohn, J.D. 1998, astro-ph/9807128

Primordial Nucleosynthesis

Tytler, D., O'Meara, J. M., Suzuki, N., & Lubin, D. 2000, Physica Scripta, T 85, 12
Olive, K.A. Primordial Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Boesgaard, A.M, & Steigman, G. 1985, ARA&A, 23, B
Copi, C.J., Schramm, D.N., & Turner, M.S. 1995, Science, 267, 192
There are many BBN references which all say more or less the same thing.

Cosmic Microwave Background

Peebles, chapter 6
Peacock, chapter 18
Hu, W., Sugiyama, N., & Silk, J. 1997, Nature, 386, 37
White, M., Scott, D., & Silk, J. 1994, ARA&A, 32, 319

with interesting related subjects:
Suniaev, R.A., & Zeldovich Ia.B. 1980, ARA&A, 18, 537
Rephaeli, Y. 1995, ARA&A, 33, 541
Readhead, A.C.S., & Lawrence, C.R. 1992, ARA&A, 30, 653

Dark Matter

or more properly, mass discrepancies

Peebles, p. 47 and chapter 18
Peacock, chapter 12
Bothun chapter 4

Trimble, V. 1987, ARA&A, 25, 425 Evidence for Dark Matter
Sanders, R.H. 1990, A&ARv, 2, 1 Evidence for and against Dark Matter
Ostriker, J.P. 1993, ARA&A, 25, 425 Cold Dark Matter
Carr, B. 1994, ARA&A, 32, 531 Baryonic Dark Matter
Gondolo, P. 2004, NATO ASI Non-Baryonic Dark Matter - a good introduction to the zoo of hypothetical particles

The MOND pages Alternatives to Dark Matter


Baryogenesis: Riotto, A. & Trodden, M. 1999, Ann. Rev. Nuc. Part. Sc.
A Skeptical View: Disney, M. 2000, Gen.Rel.Grav. 32, 1125,
and more recently, Modern Cosmology: Science or Folk Tale?

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