Spring 1999
Observational Cosmology
Tu-Th 2-3:15 in 2428 CSS
Prof. Stacy McGaugh
office: 1251 CSS
phone: (301) 405-7897
Suggested Texts
Principles of Physical Cosmology
by P.J.E. Peebles
Modern Cosmological Observations and Problems
by G. Bothun
List of possible topics for class
Schedule for talks.
Useful Links
- NASA's
ADS (Astrophysical Data System), an excellent way to search the literature.
- Los Alamos XXX e-print
archive. Most cosmology papers appear here as preprints.
- Bibliofind, a good resource for
finding used and out-of-print books. (This is where I got my own copy of
Peebles's textbook.)