Perspectives on the Cosmos: From the Ancient Philosophers to Modern Science

Prof. Stacy McGaugh

E-mail: ssm -at- astro.umd.edu
Phone: (301) 405-7897

Office: CSS 1251

Spring 2009
Tuesdays 2:00-4:30 PM

Classroom: PAC 1815

Textbooks at right.
Useful information below.

Harrison: Cosmology
The Science of the Universe

Stenudd: Cosmos of the Ancients
The Greek Philosophers on Myth and Cosmology

Ferris: Coming of Age in the Milky Way


Class Schedule

Course Work


Course Description

University Standards

Printable Syllabus

Reading Response: Question of the Week:

May 12
All done. No more written reading responses.

Previous Reading Response Questions

Course News

Final exam statistics: of 60 possible points, the median score was 49. High: 59; low: 35.
Course statistics: of 300 total possible points, the median was 261. High: 282; low: 215.

Thanks to everyone for a great semester!

Links for the curious. The first section on the scientific method includes key slides from the lectures.
Misconceptions on parade