USNA 287A Short Paper Topics
Short Paper Topics
- Sep. 2: One page paper
- Compare, contrast, and react critically to the
Theistic and Anthropic Principles.
- Theistic Principle: The Universe is the way it is in order that
we exist.
- Anthropic Principle: The properties of our universe must be
suited for life in order for us to be here to observe it.
- Note: This is not an either-or litmus test. While you
might prefer one over the other, you don't have to.
You can prefer either one. Or
you can like both. Or dislike both. You must thoughtfully justify
your position, whatever it may be.
- Sep. 25: First three page paper
- Given that the heliocentric cosmology eventually won out,
why did belief in the geocentric system persist for many centuries,
even well after the time of Copernicus?
How reasonable was this continued belief?
- Consider the arguments for and against both a geocentric and
heliocentric cosmology in the context of the time
of Copernicus and Galileo (circa 1600).
Examples include, but are not limited to,
- the motion (or apparent lack thereof) of the earth,
- the diurnal rising and setting motion of the stars,
- the absence of observed parallax among the stars,
- the motion of the planets relative to the stars (prograde and retrograde),
- the distinction between inferior and superior planets, and
- the phases of Venus.
- Oct. 23: Second three page paper
- Cosmic Inflation
- Inflation is said to solve the horizon, monopole, and coincidence/flatness problems.
- Are these problems in need of solution? Why or why not?
- Do you find Inflation compelling, or not?
- Do the successes of Inflation outweigh its problems, or vice-versa?