ASTR 101

Homework problems are assigned from the 8th edition of the textbook The Cosmic Perspective - The Solar System.
Be sure you are doing the right homework problems! Other editions of the text will have different questions.

There are 6 homeworks with 6 problems worth 5 points each, plus one extra credit problem worth 2 points for each homework assignment. There are no make-ups, for illness or otherwise, but we will drop the lowest homework.

All homeworks are due in class at the beginning of lecture on the date specified. Homeworks are late (and suffer a 5 point penalty) after lecture begins. The end of lecture is the last opportunity to turn in homeworks with a 5 point late penalty. After that, homeworks will no longer be accepted.

Remember to put your name on your homework! Be sure to type or write neatly - we can not give credit for things we can not read.

Homework #1 (30 Points) Due Tuesday Jan. 29

    Chapter 1
  1. Does It Make Sense? 1-13, 14, 16, 17, 18
  2. 1-42 Spacecraft Communications
  3. 1-46 Driving Trips
    Chapter 2
  4. Does It Make Sense? 2-17, 19, 22, 24, 26
  5. 2-40 New Planet
  6. 2-53 Sun's Diameter
    Extra credit
  7. 2-55 Eclipse Conditions

Homework #2 (30 Points) Due Tuesday Feb. 12

    Chapter 3
  1. 3-44 Chinese calendar
  2. 3-45 Method of Eratosthenes I
  3. 3-48 Eris Orbit
    Chapter 4
  4. Does It Make Sense? 4-16, 17, 18, 19, 24
  5. 4-52 Understanding Newton's Version of Kepler's Thrid Law
  6. 4-55 Weights on Other Worlds
    Extra credit
  7. 3-50 Halley Orbit

Homework #3 (30 Points) Due Thursday Feb. 28

    Chapter 5
  1. Does It Make Sense? 5-17, 18, 20, 21, 23
  2. 5-47 Human Wattage
  3. 5-54 Hotter Sun
  4. 5-56 Doppler Calculations
    Chapter 6
  5. Does It Make Sense? 6-13, 14, 15, 19, 20
  6. 6-42 Light Collecting Area
    Extra credit
  7. 6-44 Finding Planets

Homework #4 (30 Points) Due Thursday Mar. 21

    Chapter 7
  1. Does It Make Sense? 7-13, 15, 16, 19, 20
  2. 7-39 Size Comparisons
    Chapter 8
  3. 8-45 Radiometric Dating
  4. 8-50 What are the odds?
    Chapter 9
  5. 9-43 Dating Planetary Surfaces
  6. 9-57 More Plate Tectonics
    Extra credit
  7. 7-44 Mission to Pluto

Homework #5 (30 Points) Due Tuesday Apr. 9

    Chapter 10
  1. Does It Make Sense? 10-23, 24, 28, 29, 32
  2. 10-57 The Mass of an Atmosphere
  3. 10-58 The Role of Reflectivity
    Chapter 11
  4. 11-49 Disappearing Moon
  5. 11-52 Orbital Resonances
  6. 11-53 Titanic Titan
    Extra credit
  7. 10-61 Escape from Venus

Homework #6 (30 Points) Due Tuesday Apr. 23

    Chapter 12
  1. 12-45 Adding Up Asteroids
  2. 12-46 Impact Energies
    Chapter 13
  3. Does It Make Sense? 13-18, 19, 22, 23, 27
  4. 13-50 Planet Around 51 Pegasi
  5. 13-52 Finding Orbit Sizes
    Chapter 14
  6. Does It Make Sense? 14-19, 21, 23, 26, 27
  7. 14-50 Lifetime of the Sun
    Extra credit
  8. 13-49 Transit of TrES-1