ASTR 201 Assignments


Due Date
Homework #1
Tuesday, Sep. 8
Homework #2
Tuesday, Sep. 22
Homework #3
Thursday, Oct. 8
Homework #4
Tuesday, Oct. 27
Homework #5
Thursday, Nov. 12
Homework #6
Thursday, Dec. 3

There are 6 homeworks with 6 problems worth 5 points each, plus one extra credit problem worth 2 points for each homework assignment. We will drop your lowest homework score so that your grade will be based on the best 5 out of 6 homework assignments. There will be no make-ups nor other form of extra credit.

All homeworks are due at the beginning of lecture on the date specified. Homeworks are late (and suffer a 5 point penalty) after lecture begins. The end of lecture is the last opportunity to turn in homeworks with a 5 point late penalty. After that, homeworks will no longer be accepted.

Always put your name on your homework. Be sure to type or write neatly - we can not give credit for things we can not read. For things like multiple choice questions, it is necessary to demonstrate understanding. Succinctly explain why the answer you chose is correct. It isn't good enough to get the right answer; you need to understand why it is the right answer.


Exam I
Thursday, Sep. 24
Sears 480
Exam II
Tuesday, Nov. 3
Sears 480
Final Exam
Tuesday, Dec. 15
Sears 480

Midterm Exams

There will be two in-class examinations during the semester as noted above. These exams are closed book with no notes, calculators, cell phones, ipods, or implants allowed. Each exam will consist of multiple choice questions, essay questions, and problem solving questions. Just your brain and the writing instrument of your choice. If for whatever reason, the University is officially closed on the exam date, the exam date shifts to the next lecture date.

Final Exam

The final exam is cumulative; it will cover all material discussed in this course. Some extra emphasis will be given covered after the second midterm. The final will include multiple choice, essay, and problem solving questions, greatly resembling a longer version of the midterms.

Missed Exams

The first rule of missing exams is:

If you are not able to take an exam due to illness or some other legitimate reason and you wish to take a make-up exam, you must

  1. contact me (by voice or e-mail) before you miss the regularly-scheduled exam and
  2. document a valid excuse for your absence.
Make-up exams must be taken promptly. Note that in the case of the final exam, there is an extremely narrow window before final grades must be submitted.