ASTR 201
The Sun and its Planets

Fall 2015 TR 10:00-11:15AM Sears 480
Instructor: Stacy McGaugh
Office: Sears 573
Phone: (216) 368-1808
e-mail: stacy.mcgaugh [at]
Office Hours: W noon-1pm & F 11am-noon
Teaching Assistant: Jakub Prchlik
Office: Sears 561
Phone: (216) 368-3896
e-mail: jjp137 [at]
Office Hours: M 3-4pm, W 4-5pm

The syllabus, all assignements, homework, etc. are posted on the course website. Check frequently for updates and schedule changes.

Textbook: Cosmic Perspective - Solar System (7th edition)
by Bennett, Donahue, Schneider, & Voit.
Be sure to take the homework questions from the right edition of the text
A copy of the Seventh edition is on reserve in the Astornomy Library (Sears 556).

Course Description

An overview of the solar system; the planets and other objects that orbit about the Sun and the Sun itself as the dominant mass and the most important source of energy in the solar system. Concepts and the development of our knowledge will be emphasized. Not available for credit to astronomy majors.