My Family Page
Images on this page are placed here for viewing by friends
and family.
They are not to be copied or distributed.
© 1997,1998,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2021 Stacy McGaugh
Images reduced for quicker transfer.
Click on thumbnail to get full-size version or links thereto.
Family Crest as imagined by Isabel
Xmas in California, 2012.
Marching band season, Aug/Sep 2012.
Isabel completes 8th grade with distinciton - and a party dress.
Christmas in Cleveland and Flint, 2011.
Penn State Blue Band, 24 September 2011.
CHUH Commencement, 6 June 2011.
Prom night, 3 June 2011.
Honors 2011: Caitlyn leads the marching band for Memorial day one last time before handing
off the mace. Paul (speaking) opens the Instrumental Music Department award ceremony where
Caitlyn wins the Karlo Mackey award (with some very kind works from directors Heim and Baker).
Her brick in the IMD wall.
Music in May 2011: Caitlyn after her last COYO conert; Isabel's flute recital.
Christmas 2010 in Michigan (white) and California (wet).
October 2010: Caitlyn's Senior Photos.
September 2010: Caitlyn leads the Heights High marching band.
September 2010: Isabel serves æbleskivers.
Up North, August 2010.
June 2010: the girls at Isabel's dance recital;
Caitlyn is named Richard King Chair for the 2010-2011 season of the
Contemproary Youth Orchestra.
Caitlyn in COYO;
Isabel's first CIM recital.
Halloween 2009.
Isabel's dragon |
Anne's fleur de lis |
Stacy's dragon |
Cleveland Museum of Art Chalk Festival, 2009.
(Caitlyn was at the COYO retreat.)
Caitlyn leads the Heights High marching band; the Know Knothings celebrate their
spelling bee victory.
Visit to Oklahoma, August 2009.
Lots of big news at the end of the academic year:
Caitlyn is selected as Drum Major and also succeeds in her audition for
the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra
Results for AP exams in US History and Music Theory remain outstanding, but
she passed all of her OGTs with advanced grades. She also gets her
learner's permit; she'll have plenty of rehearsals to drive to.
Isabel is promoted to 6th grade, giving a speech as the representative
of her class. (What do you call a 5th grade valedictorian?) She is also
recognized with the
President's Outstanding Academic Excellence Award (the first batch signed
by President Obama), ART award (hence the hat), CUBS award, Music award,
and Reading Achievement. I guess it would be briefer to note that the only
award she was eligible for that she did not win was the Athletic award.
Teresa gets her Ed.D. degree from USC.
Both Anne and Stacy are promoted to Full Proessor
by their respective institutions.
Isabel's 11th birthday.
Pictures from Thanksgiving 2008 through New Year's 2009 (plus a few days).
Halloween 2008. The grasshopper in the second picture liked Isabel so
much it climbed all the way up to the top of her head of its own volition.
Hawaii (and a bit of California), June 2008. There are
more here. Be sure to watch the AVI movie:
Isabel dances the hula while Larry breaks the coconut.
Xmas 2007
September 2007: Caitlyn joins the CH-UH marching band; Isabel is a friend to the little things.
Easter, April 2007
California, January 2007

A few pictures from our visit to Oklahoma, July 2006
The girls discover the new feature "Photobooth" on MacBooks.
Isabel's 8th birthday
A few movies from Xmas 2005:
Flashing Earings (5 Mb) |
Dog Toys (27 Mb) |
RoboRaptor Rampage (20 Mb)
October 2005: The girls meet their
new cousin Mitch!
and Caitlyn attends her first Wolverine football game.
Caitlyn & Isabel cope with the heat wave
(June 2005) - 3Mb quicktime movie format slide show
Isabel's 7th birthday party (plus a few extras).
Caitlyn's 11th birthday.
She gets a cell phone! Thanks, grandma!
A few shots from Bill & Heather's wedding.
A few shots from the McGaugh Family reunion (7/1/04) and the 4th of
July in Sapulpa.
Isabel's 6th birthday party (3/13/04).
Caitlyn & Isabel at the Cleveland Auto Show (2/29/04).
Artwork by Isabel selected for use in CHUH school district literature.
Caitlyn receiving a city-wide award for her MLK Day poster (Jan. 2004).
Caitlyn, March 2003
Isabel, March 2003
Isabel, brand new March 1998.
Easter 1999 pictures:
Stay out of my picture, Dad
Ice cream is good
I'm bustin' out
Isabel Rocks
March 2001:
Isabel's 3rd birthday party
Vacation pictures
July 1999: Walloon Lake
August 2003: Montague
Anne and Caitlyn amongst the cherry blossoms, April 1997.
Princess and pony, age 5 (early 1999)
Nice is nice! (June 1995. Photo montage by CAK.)
Baby Caitlyn
Caitlyn's first e-mail
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