Articles & Quotes in the Popular Press
- video: AAS Journal Author Series: Stacy McGaugh on 2024ApJ...976...13M,
AAS Journal Authors Series, 12/30/24
- video: Has JWST shown that dark matter doesn't exist? Dr. Becky, 12/24 (not dead yet)
- video: Webb Falsified Dark Matter Prediction
- And No One Cares, Sabine Hossenfelder, 11/24
- Does the Milky Way have a problem? Gaia measurements suggest serious implications for cosmology, 100+1, 11/17/24
- Press release Astronomers' theory of galaxy formation may be upended discussed in 60+ stories in many countries
(Argentina, Bulgaria, China, Germany, Guatamala, India, Italy, Iran, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, the United States, & Uruguay)
- video: EarthSky interview, EarthSky, 11/18/24
- video: Science Sense interview, also available as an audio: podcast, 11/22/24
- video: Modello standard? JWST dice no. Inaf TV (in Italian), 11/14/24
- Bright Galaxies of the Early Universe Defy Expectations, Sending Astronomers Back to the Drawing Board, SciTechDaily,1/2/25
- Revolutionary Discovery: Massive Galaxies Rewrite Cosmic History! Game Changer in Astronomy!, Combo Pop, 1/2/25
- Verhärtete Fronten der Kosmologie, Spektrum, 12/25/24
- Webb-telescoop zet donkere-materietheorie over jong heelal op losse schroeven, NewScientist, 12/6/24
- The universe may be very different from what we imagined, Today Science, 11/19/24
- 'The bottom line is, I told you so': JWST observations upend standard model of how galaxies form, new study claims, Yahoo News, 11/14/24
- "Die Quintessenz ist: 'Ich hab's ja gesagt'" - Studie legt nahe, dass dunkle Materie nicht existiert, Hessische/Niedersachsische Allgemeine, 11/16/24
- Research suggests non-existence of dark matter - "The bottom line is: 'I told you so'", Wesfalischer Anizeiger, 11/18/24
- James Webb Uzay Teleskobu, karanlik madde teorisine meydan okuyor, Independent Turkey, 11/16/24
- New research challenges the role of dark matter in galaxy formation, Descopera, 11/16/24
- Untersuchungen deuten auf die Nichtexistenz dunkler Materie hin - "Das Fazit lautet: 'Das habe ich gesagt'", DHN, 11/17/24
- Ratsel um grossse Galaxien: Forscher stellen dunkle Materie in Frage - "Ich hab's ja gesagt", Merkur, 11/17/24
- Astronomers' theory of galaxy formation may be upended, sciencesprings, 11/17/24
- Un estudio pone en duda la teoria sobre la formacion de las galaxias, Agencia Guatemalteca de Noticias, 11/17/24
- Un nuevo estudio pone en duda la teoria sobre la formacion de las galaxias, Informador, 11/17/24
- Galaxies have been discovered that challenge the theory of gravity. Do we need dark matter?, Hayka, 11/18/24
- MOND and more. Does the universe need a rethink?, EarthSky, 11/17/24
- Astronomers Shocked as JWST Uncovers Massive Galaxies That Challenge Gravity Theory. Is Dark Matter Theory Wrong?, ZME Science, 11/15/24
- James Webb Space Telescope Finds Stunning Evidence for Alternate Theory of Gravity, The Debrief, 11/15/24
- James Webb-telescoop zet gangbare theorie over het ontstaan van sterrenstelsels (en zwaartekracht) op losse schroeven, MSN (Netherlands), 11/15/24
- Studie deutet an, dass es keine dunkle Materie gibt "Die Quintessenz ist: 'Ich hab's ja gesagt'", Swabische Post, 11/15/24
- Nuevo Estudio Pone En Duda La Teoria De La Materia Oscura Sobre La Formacion De Galaxias En El Universo, Cambio 22, 11/14/24
- Il ruolo della materia oscura nella formazione delle galassie e ancora plausibile? Reccom Magazine 11/14/24
- Astronomers' theory of how galaxies formed may be upended, ScienceVega, 11/14/24
- Vaihtoehtoinen painovoimateoria sai tukea James Webb-teleskoopilta, Tahdet ja avarus, 11/15/24
- Studie deutet an, dass es keine dunkle Materie gibt "Die Quintessenz ist: 'Ich hab's ja gesagt'", Frankfurter Rundschau, 11/15/24
- 'The bottom line is, I told you so': JWST observations upend standard model of how galaxies form, new study claims, Network Today, 11/14/24
- Czy ciemna materia pomogla zbudowac galaktyki? Wkrotce poznamy odpowiedz, Antyweb, 11/13/24
- Ciemna materia mogla nie wplywac na powstawanie pierwszych galaktyk, Najwazniejsze, 11/14/24
- James Webb Space Telescope Data Unveils Galaxies That Could Lead to a Dark Matter Revolution, The Times of India, 11/14/24
- Images from the James Webb telescope cast doubt on the theory of galaxy formation,, 11/13/24
- James Webb Telescope's Discoveries Disprove Dark Matter Theory - What Now? Bizsiziz, 11/12/24
- Researchers say this caused the incomprehensible evolution of galaxies in the early universe, Veda Vo Vrecku, 11/13/24
- 'Instant' Galaxies Spotted In Early Universe - Dark Matter Theory Now In Crisis? Space Chatter, 11/13/24
- Materia oscura, Webb complica le cose nei cieli, La Stampa, 11/12/24
- Incredible findings from the James Webb Space Telescope reshape our understanding of how galaxies form, SuperComputing Online News, 11/12/24
- James Webb-Weltraumteleskop: Galaxienentdeckungen sollen das Standardmodell durcheinander bringen, Die heutigen Nachrichten, 11/13/24
- James Webb Space Telescope challenges and reshapes theories of the formation of the universe, Forward Pathway, 11/13/24
- 'James Webb' Unwittingly Endorses Alternative Theory of Gravity, 3DNews, 11/13/24
- Mond statt Dunkle Materie:
Webb-Teleskop stellt Physik auf den Kopf, WinFuture, 11/13/24
- El telescopio espacial James Webb encuentra galaxias que apuntan hacia una alternativa de materia oscura, Cbainfo, 11/13/24
- Webb sconvolge la scienza: la teoria della materia oscura vacilla, galassie antiche troppo grandi per essere spiegate, Meteoweb, 11/12/24
- Teorien om tyngdekraft kan vaere feil, Teknokratiet, 11/13/24
- The role of dark matter in the formation of galaxies was questioned, Iranian Students' News Agency, 11/13/24
- Weltraumteleskop James Webb: Galaxienfunde rutteln angeblich am Standardmodell, Heise online, 11/12/24
- Como se formam as galaxias? Estudo lanca duvidas sobre a teoria mais difundida, Sic Noticias, 11/13/24
- La teoria classica della formazione delle galassie potrebbe essere capovolta, AGI, 11/12/24
- Osservazioni non standard per le galassie di Webb, Media INAF, 11/12/24
- Un estudio pone en duda teoria sobre formacion de galaxias, Meganoticias, 11/13/24
- Telescopio James Webb desafia la teoria de la materia oscura sobre la formacion de galaxias primordiales, Maya Communicacion, 11/12/24
- Estudio cientifico cambia todo lo conocido sobre el universo, mdz, 11/13/24
- Estabamos equivocados: el universo no se formo como pensabamos y ahora tenemos pruebas, La Razon, 11/12/24
- Un estudio pone en duda la teoria sobre la formacion de las galaxias, 20minutos, 11/12/24
- Un estudio pone en duda la teoria mas extendida sobre la formacion de las galaxias, Montevideo, 11/12/24
- Nueva teoria sobre el origen de las galaxias, Baja News, 11/12/24
- Desafio a la teoria de la materia oscura en la formacion de galaxias, Cienciaplus, 11/12/24
- La teoria de los astronomos sobre como se formaron las galaxias podria verse trastocada, infobae, 11/12/24
- Large, Bright Early Galaxies: A Win for Modified Gravity Over Dark Matter, labroots, 11/12/24
- James Webb Space Telescope finds galaxies pointing toward a dark matter alternative, msn, 11/12/24
- James Webb Telescope Data Challenges Dark Matter Theory, Suggesting an Alternative View of Galaxy Formation, Daily Galaxy, 11/13/24
- Astronomers challenge traditional galaxy formation theories, Space Daily, 11/13/24
- James Webb Space Telescope finds galaxies pointing toward a dark matter alternative,, 11/12/24
- The oldest galaxies are large and bright, supporting alternative gravity theory, Tech Exporist, 11/13/24
- New research challenges dark matter theory in galaxy formation,, 11/13/24
- New Theory of Gravity Explained by the Observation of Early Galaxies, AZO quantum, 11/13/24
- New Research Questions Standard Theory of How Galaxies Formed in Early Universe, SciNews, 11/12/24
- James Webb telescope overturns accepted theory of galaxy formation, RTVI, 11/12/24
- NASA Webb Revelations Challenge Traditional Theory of Gravity, Newsweek, 11/12/24
- New study suggests standard theory of how galaxies formed could be wrong, Courthouse News, 11/12/24
- Strange observations of galaxies challenge ideas about dark matter, Science News, 7/5/24
- Press release A million light years and still going appearing in
- Space Weekly, 6/17/24
-, 6/17/24
- Before it's news, 6/17/24
- News Wise, 6/17/24
- MSN, 6/17/24
- Universe Today, 6/17/24
- The Brighter Side, 6/18/24
- Knowridge, 6/20/24
- Space Daily, 6/21/24
- SciTech Daily, 6/21/24
-, 6/28/24
- Rethinking space and time could let us do away with dark matter, New Scientist, 3/13/24
- Leap day: Why do we do this every four years? The Daily, 2/29/24
- Cosmic Controversy: The Ongoing Debate Between Dark Matter and Modified Gravity Theories, BNN, 2/26/24
- Dark matter vs modified gravity: which team are you on?, Physics World podcasts, 2/26/24
- Cosmic combat: delving into the battle between dark matter and modified gravity, Physics World, 2/6/24
- Modified Gravity May Make Planet Nine Disappear, Scientific American, 10/25/23
- The Milky Way May Be Missing a Trillion Suns Worth of Mass, Scientific American, 10/11/23
- She got famous on YouTube. Now it helps fund her research in quantum gravity, NPR, 9/23/23
- Wide Open Question: Binary-Star Observations Support MOND, CityLife, 8/17/23
- Studying local galaxies from an 'outside' perspective - and what it may mean for dark matter, BBC Sky at Night Magazine, 6/26/23
- The tradition of reading the stars: The myths behind astrology, The Daily, 3/21/23
- The hunt for dark matter: The universe's mysterious gravitational glue, New Scientist, 2/8/23
- The Enduring Mystery of the Dragonfly 44 Galaxy, Qunata magazine, 11/7/22;
also in Wired, 12/4/22
- JWST's First Glimpses of Early Galaxies Could Break Cosmology,
Scientific American, 9/14/22
- Do the James-Webb observations disprove dark matter theory? Roxy Mix, 7/23/22 (in French)
- Can Galaxies Form Without Dark Matter?, Forbes, 6/14/22
- New Insights from a Dark-Matter-Free Galaxy Revives Controversial Gravity Theory, The Daily Galaxy, 5/22/22
- Our paper on the Strong Equivalence Principle as tested by the External Field Effect was the most read paper in the Astrophysical Journal in December 2021 (over 32,500 downloads), 1/11/22.
- Dark Matter May Be Missing from This Newfound Galaxy, Scientific American, 12/22/21
- A Hint of Dark Matter Sends Physicists Into Hype Mode Yet Again, Quanta Magazine, 10/19/21
- Dark Matter Alternative Pases Big Test,
Physics, 14, 143, 10/15/21
- Science News 2803: Dark Matter is Out, Nexus, May-June 2021
- 'Settled science' stranglehold on seismic forecasting, Bakersfield, 3/13/21
- New evidence AGAINST dark matter?!, Dr. Becky, 1/28/21
- Matiere noire: la fin du MOND?, France Culture, 1/26/21 (podcast in French)
- Unique prediction of modified gravity challenges dark matter, The Daily, 1/21/21
- Study that finds 'modified gravity' causes the unexplained motion of stars within galaxies, Daily Mail, 1/8/21
- Maybe 'dark matter' doesn't exist after all, new research suggests, NBC News, 1/6/21
- Could physicists have been so wrong? Futurism, 1/6/21
- New Data Supports the Modified Gravity Explanation for Dark Matter, Much to the Surprise of the Researchers, Universe Today, 12/28/20
- Evidence of 'Modified Gravity' In 150 Galaxies Strengthens Dark Matter Alternative, Slashdot, 12/22/20
- Defying the Laws of Gravity - Does a Smoking Gun Nix Dark Matter Theory?, The Daily Galaxy, 12/28/20
- La materia oscura - E se non esistesse? Business Insder Italia 12/18/20 (in Italian)
- What if Dark Matter Doesn't Exist? Unique Prediction of Modified Gravity Challenges Dark Matter Hypothesis, SciTechDaily, 12/17/20
- New Research Supports Modified Gravity Theory, SciNews, 12/17/20
- Modified Gravity Offers a Viable Explanation for Cosmological Dilemma, AZO quantum, 12/17/20
- Unique prediction of modified gravity challenges dark matter theory, Phys.Org, 12/16/20
- also in Science Daily |
SpaceRef |
- New evidence for modified Newtonian mechanics, Chosun, 12/14/20 (in Korean)
- An Alternative to Dark Matter Passes Critical Test, Quanta magazine, 7/28/20
- The Trouble with Dark Matter - interview on the
Consmic Controversy Podcast, 7/1/20
- Dark matter is still not found. And that's not going to happen, say these scientists, deVolkskrant, 10/25/19 (in Dutch)
- The hidden universe is not what we thought, Science et Vie, 08/28/19 (in French)
- Two Unusual Galaxies Shake Up the Dark Matter Debate, Again, Wired, 4/3/19
- Ghostly Galaxies Hint at Dark Matter Breakthrough, Scientific American, 1/25/19
- Does the Universe Still Need Einstein? New York Times, 11/21/18
- Is the search for dark energy a dead end? Cosmos Magazine, 9/19/18
- FAZ (German newspaper), 9/5/18
- Oddball Galaxy Puts Dark Matter Theory to the Test, Scientific American, 7/18/18
- Einstein's Greatest Theory Validated on a Galactic Scale, Scientific American, 6/22/18
- The Universe Is Not a Simulation, but We Can Now Simulate It, Quanta magazine, 6/12/18
- What is Dark Matter and Why Hasn't Anyone Found It Yet? Gizmodo, 6/7/18
- Our Galaxy was walloped Gizmodo, 4/30/18
- Dark matter is MIA in this strange galaxy Science News, 3/28/18
- A Galaxy Without (Much) Dark Matter Sky and Telescope, 3/28/18
- System of the World dialogue, 2/22/18
- Galaxies rotate in sync, raising dark matter questions, 2/3/18
- La materia oscura pierde por goleada ante el principio de la navaja de Occam ABC (Spain), 11/27/17
- Dark-matter hunt fails to find the elusive particles Nature, 11/8/17
- What the Neutron Star Collision Means for Dark Matter Smithsonian, 10/31/17
- The Future is Dark LSA Magazine,
Fall 2017
- We don't need dark matter to explain the universe Motherboard 10/4/17
- Shaking the dark matter paradigm Symmetry 7/18/17
- Has dogma derailed the scientific search for dark matter? Aeon 7/17
- The Superfluid Universe Aeon 7/17
- THINK Magazine 7/17
- How Dark Matter Lost its Shine 3/22/17 New Scientist
- Rules of attraction: Why it's time to rethink how gravity works 3/15/17 New Scientist
- Maybe Dark Matter Is All Just a Big Mistake 2/17 Nautilus
- The Physicist Who Denies that Dark Matter Exists 2/17 Nautilus
- The Guardian 12/31/16
- Physics World 10/7/16
- Forbes 9/23/16
- Il Manifesto (full page spread, in Italian)
- The Daily Galaxy 9/24/16
- NanoWerk 9/21/16
- Radial Acceleration Relation press release 9/21/16
- Shaking Up the Dark Universe,
World Science Festival, 6/16
- TEDxCLE talk 11/15, also on
- Dark Matter Deniers 7/15 (Discover magazine)
- Video of public talk for the
Astronomical Association 3/15
- New Doubts about Dark Matter 12/14 (Forbes)
- It's crunch time for dark matter if WIMPs don't show 5/14 (New Scientist)
- The Missing Universe 4/14 (Astronomy magazine cover story) |
also here
- From Quarks to Quasars 11/29/13
- National Geographic 8/29/13 Also here
- Yahoo News 8/29/13
- newKerala 8/29/13
- DNA India 8/29/13
- Z News (India) 8/29/13
- webindia 8/29/13
- Athiest nexus 8/28/13
- Science 2.0 8/28/13
- Science Newsline 8/28/13
- Science News 8/28/13
- Andromeda dwarfs revisted: a priori predictions confirmed - press release 8/28/13
- National Geographic 3/25/13
Also here
- Interview for German Public Radio 3/22/2013
- Incredible Story
of attempted censorship 3/8/2013
- New Scientist 2/28/2013
- Time Science & Space 2/26/2013 |
reply to Siegel |
reply to ialsoagree
- Andromeda dwarfs' velocity dispersion predicted - press release 2/14/2013
- Andromeda dwarfs on
physorg 2/14/2013
- Andromeda dwarfs on
MessageToEagle 2/15/2013
- Andromeda dwarfs
on redOrbit 2/15/2013
- Andromeda dwarfs press release 2/14/2013
- Physics World 10/1/2012
- Science et Vie 9/2012 (No. 60, p. 112. In French)
- Gas
Rich Galaxies Confirm Prediction of Modified Gravity Theory press release
- Viewpoint for PRL
by Masters & Spekkens
- Original articles:
Science & Vie (in French) |
Science |
Nature |
motherboard |
NZZ (in German)
- Other articles:
io9 |
redOrbit |
PhysOrg |
ScienceDaily |
technologijos (in Lithuanian)
- The blogosphere reacts:
- User's Guide to the Universe |
The Dayside |
Cosmic Variance |
Starts with a Bang |
Weizman Wave |
Particle Decelerator
- Trialogue with Rainer Plaga and Sean Carroll.
- Some remarks on cognitive dissonance
- Reliance
on Indirect Evidence Fuels Dark Matter Doubts in Scientific American 12/30/2010
- An interesting
thread provoked by the astronomy decadal report.
- See here for the full text of my quote
solicited by
Pavel Kroupa
- Bringing dark matter down to Earth and
Dark matter could meet its nemesis on Earth in New
Scientist 2/24/2010
- Matiere Noire in Ciel & Espace 2/2010
- Tweak
Gravity: What If There Is No Dark Matter? in Scientific American 11/5/2009
- Mystery
of the missing mini-galaxies in New Scientist 8/24/2009
- Phantom
menace to dark matter theory in New Scientist 7/8/2009
- Study plunges
standard Theory of Cosmology into Crisis in 5/5/2009
- 13 Things That Don't Make Sense: The Most Baffling Scientific Mysteries of Our
Time (book by Michael Brooks) 8/8/2008
- A
case of MOND over Dark Matter in
Universe Today 4/8/2008
- Local Dwarfs in
Daily 4/7/2008
- BBC report
from the UK National Astronomy Meeting 4/5/2008
- RAS press
release 4/4/2008
- Galaxy without dark matter in
New Scientist 2/6/2008
- Radio chat
on WCPN 9/10/2007
- Dark
Matter is Dead in the BBC's
Sky at Night
- Seeing Through Dark
Matter in
- Article in
Le Monde 5/2007 (in French)
- Battlefield Galactica in Sky
& Telescope 4/2007
- A
jump that would prove Newton wrong in Nature, 446, 357 (2007)
- Equinox
challenge to Newton's law in New Scientist, 2597, 15 (2007)
Meet me at 79°50' N, 56° W in Science News, 171 (13), 206 (2007)
- Experiment
sets the ultimate test for Newton's laws PhysicsWeb, 3/2007
- Can
Newton's 2nd Law be Violated on Earth? PhysOrg, 3/2007
- Could
self-moving objects explain away dark matter? World Science, 3/2007
experiment cancels all accelerations, could it end dark matter? ITWire, 4/2007
- Bewährungsprobe
für Newton Wissenschaft, 3/2007
- Newton's
second law, Revisited
- Inaugural
from a Contrarian for Cosmic
Controversy 1/2007
- Article in
& Espcace 12/2006 (in French)
- Physics Today
& Discovery 11/2006
- Balanced article in
Physics World stemming from the
ROE conference.
Earlier reports mostly in hard copy form
- Nice interview of Jim Peebles
- BBC Horizon programme
- Prof. Noah Brosch's newspaper article
(in Hebrew)
- My philosphical tirade as published by
futureframe (translated by Phillip Helbig)
- info.astro
report on CMB result (in Spanish)
- InfoScience reports
without pictures (in French)
- CMB report
on PhysicsWeb