ASTR 333/433 - Dark Matter
Homework 1
Due at the beginning of class September 15

Late homework suffers a 20% penalty
Further depreciation occurs for every day late
  1. Hernquist Potential

    The Poisson equation ∇2 Φ = 4πGρ has a finite number of solutions with potential-density pairs in which both the gravitational potential Φ and the mass density ρ can be expressed as analytic functions. These provide an important touchstone by which more general numerical codes can be checked (i.e., does your code agree with a known analytic solution?)

    Use the Poisson equation to derive the density ρ(r) associated with the spherically symmetric Hernquist potential
    Φ(r) = −GM/(r+a)
    where M is a characteristic mass and a is a length scale.
    Try this by hand with pencil & paper before resorting to codes like Mathematica, as over-reliance on such tools often leads to a failure to understand their output.

    Show enough steps to follow how you got from Φ to ρ.
    What are the asymptotic limits of ρ at small and large radii?
    I.e., what happens as r → 0 and r → ∞?
    Think about what your answers mean physically. How does the density vary with radius? Where does it increase/decrease/reach a maximum?

  2. Milky Way Scales

    Use basic Galactic definitions and the following information to quantify our place in the Milky Way Galaxy:

    What are the values of

    1. Our speed relative to Sgr A* (in km/s)?
    2. The solar motion? (the peculiar speed of the sun relative to the local circular speed)
    3. The Oort A & B constants?
    4. The orbital frequency and the corresponing period of our orbit around the Milky Way?
    5. The epicyclcic frequency and corresponding period?
    6. Are stellar orbits closed ellipses? Use the orbital and epicyclic periods to explain why or why not.

    Appropriate Galactic units for frequencies are km/s/kpc and orbital time periods in Myr.
    See the the useful numbers page for help with unit conversions.

  3. Local Dark Matter Mass and Density

    Let's start to get an idea of the dark matter properites of the Milky Way using the simplifying assumption of spherical mass distributions.

    1. The baryonic mass enclosed by the solar circle (r < R0 = 8.122 kpc) is about 6 x 1010 M. If that were all of the mass, what would the circular speed at the solar circle V(R0) be?
    2. The observed circular speed is V(R0) = 229 km/s. What mass of dark matter is required to make up the difference from part (i)?
      [Hint: masses add linearly, so velocities add in quadrature.]
    3. Is the Milky Way baryon dominated or dark matter dominated within the solar circle?
    4. What is the average density of dark matter (in solar mass per cubic parsec)?
    5. Use your result to estimate the mass of the dark matter within the solar system (a sphere out to Neptune's orbit of 30 AU).
      Do you expect the dark matter have a noticeable impact on planetary dynamics?
      [It may be helpful to express the dark mass in terms of planetary objects.]

    [See the the useful numbers page for Newton's constant in convenient units.]

  4. NFW halos

    The dark matter halos formed in numerical structure formation simulations are often approximated as the "NFW halo" with density profile

    ρ(r) = ρsrs3 [r (r+rs)2]−1

    where ρs is a characteristic density and rs is a scale radius.
    In the following, you may assume spherical symmetry.

    1. Obtain an expression for the mass profile M(r).
    2. Find the corresponding rotation curve V(r).
      It is conventional to define a "virial" radius R200 inside of which the average density is 200 times the critical density of the universe, ρcrit = 3H02/(8πG). The mass enclosed by this radius, M200, is often taken as a working definition of the halo mass. The circular velocity of a test particle at the virial radius is V200.
    3. Show that V200 = R200h when V200 is in km/s and R200 is in kpc and h = H0/(100 km/s/Mpc).
    4. The relations above mean that the mass, radius, and circular speed of an NFW halo are interchangeable quantities: if you know one, you know the others. But the over-density of 200 seems arbitrary. Why not simply obtain the mass by integrating the density profile to infinity?

  5. Exponential Disks

    Spiral and irregular galaxies have azimuthally averaged radial light profiles that are tolerably well approximated as "exponential disks":
    Σ(r) = Σ0 e-r/Rd,
    where Σ0 is the central surface brightness (in solar luminosities per square parsec) and Rd is the scale length (in kpc) of a galaxy fit by this description.

    Integrate Σ(r) from 0 to 2π and r = 0 to x scale lengths (r = xRd) to obtain an expression for the luminosity enclosed by x scale lengths.

    Disk rotation curve

    Maximum Disk

    Consider a galaxy with a flat rotation curve V(r) = Vc. The condition of maximum disk is that the disk rotation curve matches but does not exceed the observed rotation so that Vdisk,max = Vc. This just says that the contribution of the disk cannot exceed the total mass budget.