ASTR 333/433 - Dark Matter
Homework 3 - Due at the beginning of class April 9

Late homework suffers a 20% penalty
Further depreciation occurs for every additional day late
  1. Brown dwarf MACHOs

  2. Milky Way baryons

    Suppose the rotation curve of the Milky Way stays flat at 220 km/s out to the "edge" of the dark matter halo at 180 kpc.

  3. The Coma Cluster

    Coma is the most massive "local" cluster at a distance of 100 Mpc. It has an ICM temperature TX = 90 million K. (Toasty, eh?)

  4. Ωm from Cluster Baryon Fractions

    Use the data in the table (from White & Fabian 1995) to compute the baryon fractions of these clusters (you may neglect stars, presuming the gas mass is most of the baryons). If Big Bang Nucleosynthesis tells us the baryon density Ωb h2 = 0.02, and assuming that clusters represent a fair sampling of the universe, what is Ωm?
    How does your answer depend on the Hubble constant?
    Is the scatter in fb consistent with the quoted errors?
    [It may help to make a plot of some relevant quantities.]

    White & Fabian Data
    ClusterMgas ErrMgasMtot
    A85 0.870.064.64
    A401 1.320.0710.1
    A478 2.380.219.28
    A545 1.910.2510.6
    A644 0.950.069.06
    A665 4.370.4622.1
    A1413 1.830.2315.9
    A1650 0.750.086.37
    A1689 2.120.1615.5
    A1763 2.610.2213.2
    A2009 1.440.1010.6
    A2029 1.260.1110.3
    A2142 2.840.1520.1
    A2163 5.460.4932.5
    A2319 1.730.1214.2
    A3186 1.760.239.50
    A3266 1.420.079.07
    A* cluster names refer to the ancient and venerable Abell catalog.
    These data assume H0 = 50 km s-1 Mpc-1.
    Mgas and Mtot are in units of 1014 Mo.
    Mgas scales as h^-5/2 (roughly),
    Mtot as h^-1.

  5. Timing Argument

    Andromeda is 770 kpc away from the Milky Way and approaching us at 120 km/s. Lets assume that these two most massive galaxies of the Local Group (having a total mass m+M) started out expanding away form each other with the Hubble flow but are now falling together on a perfectly radial orbit (e = 1).

    Eine kleine orbit theory
    The position of an object r(t) along an orbit can be described by the development parameter η such that

    r = a[1-e cos(η)]

    t = {a3/[G(m+M)]}1/2 [η-e sin(η)]

    where e is the eccentricity of the orbit and a is the semimajor axis.
    η measures the progress from one pericenter (η = 0 at t = 0) to the next (at η = 2π).
    The above expressions can be combined to find the speed

    dr/dt = (dr/dη)/(dt/dη) = {[G(m+M)]/a}1/2 e sin(η)/[1-e cos(η)]
    = (r/t0){e sin(η)[η-e sin(η)]}/[1-e cos(η)]2

    (see the end of chapter 4 of Sparke & Gallagher).

    Traditionally one assumes an age for the universe (t0) in order to solve for η. That's a tad tedious, so instead accept that η=4.2 and determine
    • the semimajor axis a
    • the age t0
    • the total mass m+M
    • the time to when Andromeda crashes into us.
    • the mass-to-light ratio of the Local Group.
      The luminosity of Andromeda is 2.7 x 1010 L and that of the Milky Way is 1.5 x 1010 L. You may neglect the rest of the Local Group (see Table 4.1 of Sparke & Gallagher).
    • is dark matter required?

    ASTR 433 only: Now suppose the orbit is not perfectly radial, but still pretty eccentric. The development parameter doesn't change much from the e = 1 case. Adopting e = 0.8 and η = 4.3 for an age of 13.2 Gyr, determine the semi-major axis a of the orbit.

    • Will M31 collide with the Milky Way now?
      Assume their centers require a clearance of 100 kpc for safe passage. That's twice the distance to the Magellanic Clouds. Recall that the pericenter = a(1-e).
    • Does the implied mass increase or decrease?
    • Do either of these changes (to a and m+M) seem so dramatic that they would be readily obvious?