MOND in the news
- The Universe Is Not a Simulation, but We Can Now Simulate It, Quanta magazine, 6/12/18
- What is Dark Matter and Why Hasn't Anyone Found It Yet? Gizmodo, 6/7/18
- Our Galaxy was walloped, Gizmodo, 4/30/18
- Dark matter is MIA in this strange galaxy Science News, 3/28/18
- A Galaxy Without (Much) Dark Matter Sky and Telescope, 3/28/18
- System of the World dialogue, 2/22/18
- Galaxies rotate in sync, raising dark matter questions, 2/3/18
- La materia oscura pierde por goleada ante el principio de la navaja de Occam ABC (Spain), 11/27/17
- Dark-matter hunt fails to find the elusive particles Nature, 11/8/17
- What the Neutron Star Collision Means for Dark Matter Smithsonian, 10/31/17
- The Future is Dark LSA Magazine,
Fall 2017
- We don't need dark matter to explain the universe Motherboard 10/4/17
- Shaking the dark matter paradigm Symmetry 7/18/17
- Has dogma derailed the scientific search for dark matter? Aeon 7/17
- The Superfluid Universe Aeon 7/17
- THINK Magazine 7/17
- How Dark Matter Lost its Shine 3/22/17 New Scientist
- Rules of attraction: Why it's time to rethink how gravity works 3/15/17 New Scientist
- Maybe Dark Matter Is All Just a Big Mistake 2/17 Nautilus
- The Physicist Who Denies that Dark Matter Exists 2/17 Nautilus
- The Guardian 12/31/16
- Physics World 10/7/16
- Forbes 9/23/16
- Il Manifesto (full page spread, in Italian)
- The Daily Galaxy 9/24/16
- NanoWerk 9/21/16
- Radial Acceleration Relation press release 9/21/16
- Shaking Up the Dark Universe,
World Science Festival, 6/16
- TEDxCLE talk 11/15, also on
- Dark Matter Deniers 7/15 (Discover magazine)
- Video of public talk for the
Astronomical Association 3/15
- New Doubts about Dark Matter 12/14 (Forbes)
- It's crunch time for dark matter if WIMPs don't show 5/14 (New Scientist)
- The Missing Universe 4/14 (Astronomy magazine cover story) |
also here
- From Quarks to Quasars 11/29/13
- National Geographic 8/29/13 Also here
- Yahoo News 8/29/13
- newKerala 8/29/13
- DNA India 8/29/13
- Z News (India) 8/29/13
- webindia 8/29/13
- Athiest nexus 8/28/13
- Science 2.0 8/28/13
- Science Newsline 8/28/13
- Science News 8/28/13
- Andromeda dwarfs revisted: a priori predictions confirmed - press release 8/28/13
- Ciel & Espace
interview with Milgrom 8/13
- Letter from Milgrom to Bahcall in 1982 7/13
It amazes me that all the basic issues are already present. Have we really made no progress in 3 decades?
Apparently not in attitudes: the first reaction is always that it is premature to consider alternatives
to dark matter, and since dark matter is not falsifiable, that attitude persists indefinitely.
- National Geographic 3/25/13
Also here
- Interview for German Public Radio 3/22/2013
- Incredible Story
of attempted censorship 3/8/2013
- New Scientist 2/28/2013
- Time Science & Space 2/26/2013 |
reply to Siegel |
reply to ialsoagree
- Andromeda dwarfs' velocity dispersion predicted - press release 2/14/2013
- Andromeda dwarfs on
physorg 2/14/2013
- Andromeda dwarfs on
MessageToEagle 2/15/2013
- Andromeda dwarfs
on redOrbit 2/15/2013
- Andromeda dwarfs press release 2/14/2013
- Physics World 10/1/2012
- Science et Vie 9/2012 (No. 60, p. 112. In French)
- Gas
Rich Galaxies Confirm Prediction of Modified Gravity Theory press release
- Viewpoint for PRL
by Masters & Spekkens
- Original articles:
Science & Vie (in French) |
Science |
Nature |
motherboard |
NZZ (in German)
- Other articles:
io9 |
redOrbit |
PhysOrg |
ScienceDaily |
technologijos (in Lithuanian)
- The blogosphere reacts:
- User's Guide to the Universe |
The Dayside |
Cosmic Variance |
Starts with a Bang |
Weizman Wave |
Particle Decelerator
- Trialogue with Rainer Plaga and Sean Carroll.
- Some remarks on cognitive dissonance
- History of
Cosmology (in French)
- Reliance
on Indirect Evidence Fuels Dark Matter Doubts in Scientific American 12/30/2010
- An interesting
thread provoked by the astronomy decadal report.
- See here for the full text of my quote
solicited by
Pavel Kroupa
- Bringing dark matter down to Earth and
Dark matter could meet its nemesis on Earth in New
Scientist 2/24/2010
- Matiere Noire in Ciel & Espace
- Tweak
Gravity: What If There Is No Dark Matter? in Scientific American 11/5/2009
- Mystery
of the missing mini-galaxies in New Scientist 8/24/2009
- Phantom
menace to dark matter theory in New Scientist 7/8/2009
- Study plunges
standard Theory of Cosmology into Crisis in 5/5/2009
- 13
Things That Don't Make Sense: The Most Baffling Scientific Mysteries of Our
Time (book by Michael Brooks) 8/8/2008
- A
case of MOND over Dark Matter in
Universe Today 4/8/2008
- Local Dwarfs in
Daily 4/7/2008
- BBC report
from the UK National Astronomy Meeting 4/5/2008
- RAS press
release 4/4/2008
- Galaxy without dark matter in
New Scientist 2/6/2008
- Radio chat
on WCPN 9/10/2007
- Dark
Matter is Dead in the BBC's
Sky at Night
- Seeing Through Dark
Matter in
- Article in
Le Monde 5/2007 (in French)
- Battlefield Galactica in Sky
& Telescope 4/2007
- A
jump that would prove Newton wrong in Nature, 446, 357 (2007)
- Equinox
challenge to Newton's law in New Scientist, 2597, 15 (2007)
Meet me at 79°50' N, 56° W in Science News, 171 (13), 206 (2007)
- Experiment
sets the ultimate test for Newton's laws PhysicsWeb, 3/2007
- Can
Newton's 2nd Law be Violated on Earth? PhysOrg, 3/2007
- Could
self-moving objects explain away dark matter? World Science, 3/2007
experiment cancels all accelerations, could it end dark matter? ITWire, 4/2007
- Bewährungsprobe
für Newton Wissenschaft, 3/2007
- Newton's
second law, Revisited
- Inaugural
from a Contrarian for Cosmic
Controversy 1/2007
- Article in
& Espcace 12/2006 (in French)
- Physics Today
& Discovery 11/2006
- Balanced article in
Physics World stemming from the
ROE conference.
- Nice interview of Jim Peebles
- Milgrom's article for
Scientific American 8/2002
- BBC Horizon programme
- Prof. Noah Brosch's newspaper article
(in Hebrew)
- My philosphical tirade as published by
futureframe (translated by Phillip Helbig)
- info.astro
report on CMB result (in Spanish)
- InfoScience reports
without pictures (in French)
- CMB report
on PhysicsWeb
See also the more complete listing in the
section of the literature page.
Other related sites
Of course, there is a perfectly natural
explanation for it all.

Adapted from Bloom County, © Berke Breathed
My original pages (predating this attempt to better organize these things)
can be found behind this humorous interface.
I suppose this would be called a blog these days, but no such term existed
when I started these pages. Looking back over these older pages
I hope my flame level has decreased in proportion to the increasing willingness
of people to at least contemplate these fundamental issues. But then, I only
waste time on HTML when motivated by some egregiously erroneous misconception
(many of which remain rampant in the scientific community),
so there is a mood selection effect. I do understand why
many have been quick to dismiss MOND without serious thought. I used to be this
way myself. I've heard many very silly things said about it by otherwise
intelligent people. It is always a struggle to see something from a new
"The so-called `electromagnetic theory of light' has not helped us
hitherto... it seems to me that it is a rather backwards step."
- Lord Kelvin, in 1903, on Maxwell's Theory of Electromagnetism
(as attributed by John A. Wheeler).
Of course, most people have completely different cosmologies. |
For further perspective, also
see the ad hoc gallery of amusing quotes.
MOND - dark matter - modified newtonain dynamics
MOND - dark matter - modified newtonain dynamics
MOND - dark matter - modified newtonain dynamics
MOND - dark matter - modified newtonain dynamics
MOND - dark matter - Modified Newtonain Dynamics
MOND - dark matter - modified newtonain dynamics