Useful Readings

I will post here links to useful references as appropriate.
The purpose of this list is to give you a guide to topics that might not be easy to find in the reserve textbooks or otherwise.

Galaxy morpholgy (Buta 2011)

Notes on surface brightness profiles (Dubinski 2006)

Radio astronomy & the interstellar medium
HI emission
Molecular lines (e.g., CO as a proxy for H2)

Mass modeling (Athanassoula)

Orbits & integrals of motion (Barnes 2005)

Galaxy modelling using actions & angles (McMillan 2013)

Review of disk galaxy dynamics (Sellwood 2011)

Enclosed mass and cosmic overdensities (McGaugh 2011)

NFW halos (Sellwood 2010)

A brief but thorough description of the Coma Cluster (Colless 2006)

The WIMP miracle (Feng et al. 2009 - also here)
Introduction to WIMPs (Drees 2011)