Useful Readings

I will post here links to useful references as appropriate.
The purpose of this list is to give you a guide to topics that might not be easy to find in the reserve textbooks or otherwise.

Galaxy morpholgy (Buta 2011)

Notes on surface brightness profiles (Dubinski 2006)

Review of disk galaxy dynamics (Sellwood 2011)
The bar instability remains problematic (Sellwood 2016)

Radio astronomy & the interstellar medium
HI emission
Molecular lines (e.g., CO as a proxy for H2)

Laws of Galactic Rotation (McGaugh et al. 2020)
Mass modeling (Athanassoula)

Fitting a model to data (Hogg, Bovy, & Lang)

Orbits & integrals of motion (Barnes 2005)

Galaxy modelling using actions & angles (McMillan 2013)

Enclosed mass and cosmic overdensities (McGaugh 2011)

NFW halos (Sellwood 2010)

A brief but thorough description of the Coma Cluster (Colless 2006)

Gravitational Lensing (Kuijken 2003)

The WIMP miracle (Feng et al. 2009 - also here)
Introduction to WIMPs (Drees 2011)