CDM, cold dark matter, MOND - dark matter - modified newtonain dynamics

Welcome to the Dark Matter pages

This subject is vast. I started this page in 2006, when the subject was already vast and well-established. Too vast: though I've developed an entire course on the subject, I've never had time to develop this page. There is just too much.

I did develop a few interesting links, which I provide here:

Though some of these links are now old, nothing has really changed. The field is trapped in the amber of our obsession with invisible mass.

2022: LZ non-detection limits from arXiv:2207.03764.

The longer-term view on progress in this field:

Cosmology - MOND - cold dark matter - modified newtonain dynamics
Cosmology - MOND - cold dark matter - modified newtonain dynamics

Cosmology - MOND - LCDM - dark matter - modified newtonain dynamics
Cosmology - MOND - LCDM - dark matter - modified newtonain dynamics
Cosmology - MOND - Lambda CDM - dark matter - Modified Newtonain Dynamics
Cosmology - MOND - Lambda CDM - dark matter - modified newtonain dynamics

On-line since 2006 Cool Text: Logo and Graphics Generator