ASTR 497 - MOND - Spring 2023


Thu 19 Jan:
Ostriker & Steinhardt (1995) | McGaugh et al. (1995) | Discussion leader: McGaugh
Tue 24 Jan:
Milgrom (1983a) | Discussion leader: MONDsters
Thu 26 Jan:
Milgrom (1983b) | Discussion leader: DynamicalDuo
Tue 31 Jan:
Milgrom (1983b) (section VIII) | Discussion leader: Ducks
Milgrom (1983c) | Discussion leader: alMOND
Thu 2 Feb:
Felten (1984) | Bekenstein & Milgrom (1984) | Discussion leader: the Heretics
Tue 7 Feb:
Scarpa (2006) | Discussion Leaders assigned by section:
Introduction & MOND Basics: McGaugh
MOND and
Galaxy Rotation Curves: the Heretics
Thu 9 Feb:
the T-F and F-J Relations: the Ducks
Elliptical Galaxies: DynamicalDuo
Galaxy Clusters: alMOND
Tue 14 Feb:
Gravitational Lensing: the MONDsters
Milgrom on lensing: the Ducks
The External Field Effect: alMOND
A more technical discussion of the EFE: the Heretics
A note on the EFE in modified inertia theories: DynamicalDuo
Sections IV.C and D of Models of modified-inertia formulation of MOND: McGaugh
Thu 16 Feb:
No class: attend Steinhardt colloquium in Physics
Tue 21 Feb:
Begeman, Broeils, & Sanders (1991) | Discussion leader: the Heretics
Thu 23 Feb:
No class: attend Nagy colloquium in Physics
Tue 28 Feb:
Begeman, Broeils, & Sanders (1991) | Discussion leader: the Heretics
2 Mar:
Lecture on galaxies
7 Mar:
Lecture on rotation curve data
9 Mar:
Spontaneous 21 cm discussion

14-16 Mar: Spring Break

21 Mar:
Hypothesis testing with gas rich galaxies | All
23 Mar:
Declining Rotation Curves at High Redshift? | All
28 Mar:
Discussion of IAU 379
30 Mar:
Lecture on dynamical regularities.
Supplementary reading: Dynamical Regularities in Rotating Galaxies
4 Apr:
Predictions and Outcomes for the Dynamics of Rotating Galaxies | All
6 Apr:
Steinmetz colloquium (11:30AM in Sears 552)
Joyce colloquium (4:00PM in Rock 301)
11 Apr:
Predictions and Outcomes for the Dynamics of Rotating Galaxies (continued) | All
13 Apr:
Lopez-Corredoira et al.: Virial theorem in clusters of galaxies with MOND | Ducks
18 Apr:
Eckert et al.: The gravitational field of X-COP galaxy clusters | DynamicalDuo
20 Apr:
Springel & Farrar: The speed of the `bullet' in the merging galaxy cluster 1E0657-56 | Heretics
Angus & McGaugh: The collision velocity of the bullet cluster in conventional and modified dynamics | MONDsters
Asencio, Banik, & Kroupa: A massive blow for LCDM - the high redshift, mass, and collision velocity of the interacting galaxy cluster El Gordo contradicts concordance cosmology | alMOND
25 Apr:
Structure formation in MOND
Especially Sanders (1998): Cosmology with Modified Newtonian Dynamics
and Mo, Mao, & White (1998): The Formation of Galactic Disks
Read what the abstracts of these contemporaneous papers say about the formation redshifts of galaxies.
Related blog posts:
What JWST will see
JWST Twitter Bender
An Early Result from JWST
Early Galaxy Formation and the Hubble Constant Tension
Can't be explained by science!
27 Apr:
Blog posts: Predictions and Results for the acoustic power spectrum of the cosmic microwave bacground.
Related science papers: 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2004