Course Calendar

Jan 17 Introduction Slides [PDF]
Audio [mp3]
Choose reading groups
Jan 19 Context Ostriker & Steinhardt (1995)
McGaugh et al. (1995)
McGaugh D'oh!
Recording fail
Jan 24 Original paper Milgrom (1983a) the MONDsters Zoom
Jan 26 Predictions for Galaxies Milgrom (1983b) DynamicalDuo Zoom
Jan 31 Predictions (section VIII)
Galaxy Systems
Milgrom (1983b)
Milgrom (1983c)
Recording fail
Feb 2 MOND cosmology
Felten (1984)
Bekenstein & Milgrom (1984)
the Heretics Zoom
Feb 7 MOND review Scarpa (2006) All Zoom
Feb 9 MOND review Scarpa (2006) All Zoom
Feb 14 Lensing
External Field Effect
Milgrom on lensing
The External Field Effect
a more technical discussion
the EFE in modified inertia theories
e.g, arXiv:2208.07073
All Audio
Feb 16 No class meeting Steinhardt colloquium
Feb 21 Rotation curve fits BBS the Heretics Audio
Feb 23 No class meeting Nagy colloquium
Feb 28 Rotation curve fits BBS the Heretics Partial Audio
Mar 2 Galaxies McGaugh Zoom
Mar 7 Rotation curves McGaugh Zoom
Mar 9 Spontaneous 21 cm discussion The next cosmic frontier: 21cm absorption at high redshift Audio
Mar 14 Spring Break
Mar 16 Spring Break
Mar 21 Fitting and Predicting Hypothesis testing with gas rich galaxies talk among yourselves Prof. McGaugh at IAU 379
Mar 23 Data Interpretation Declining Rotation Curves at High Redshift? talk among yourselves Prof. McGaugh at IAU 379
Mar 28 Discussion of IAU 379 Zoom
Mar 30 Laws of Galactic Rotation Dynamical Regularities in Rotating Galaxies McGaugh Zoom
Apr 4 Tests of MOND Predictions and Outcomes for the Dynamics of Rotating Galaxies Zoom
Apr 6 No class meeting Steinmetz then Joyce colloquia
Apr 11 Tests of MOND (continued) Predictions and Outcomes for the Dynamics of Rotating Galaxies
Apr 13 Clusters of Galaxies Virial theorem in clusters of galaxies with MOND Ducks Zoom
Apr 18 RAR of Clusters The gravitational field of X-COP galaxy clusters DynamicalDuo Zoom
Apr 20 Bullet cluster et al. Bullet speed in LCDM
Bullet speed in MOND
El Gordo
Apr 25 Structure Formation Structure formation in MOND
Cosmology with Modified Newtonian Dynamics
Apr 27 Cosmology CMB Predictions and Results
Science papers: 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2004