

Links to published data and models are provided here or on the Data Pages and Model Pages.

Refereed Papers

On the Uncertainties of Galaxy Distances from Flow Models
Haubner, K., Lelli, F., Di Teodoro, E., Duey, F., McGaugh, S., & Schombert, J. 2025, in press

The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation II: Stellar Mass Models
Duey, F., Schombert, J., McGaugh, S., & Lelli, F. 2025, AJ, 169, 186 [PDF]

Accelerated Structure Formation: the Early Emergence of Massive Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
McGaugh, S., Schombert, J., Lelli, F., & Franck, J. 2024, ApJ, 976, 13 [PDF]

Indefinitely Flat Circular Velocities and the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation from Weak Lensing
Mistele, T., McGaugh, S., Lelli, F., Schombert, J., & Li, P. 2024, ApJ, 969, L3 [PDF]

MHONGOOSE discovery of a gas-rich low-surface brightness galaxy in the Dorado Group
Maccagni, F. M., de Blok, W. J. G., Mancera Piña, P. E., Ragusa, R., Iodice, E., Spavone, M., McGaugh, S., Oman, K. A., Oosterloo, T. A., Koribalski, B. S., Kim, M., Adams, E. A. K., Amram, P., Bosma, A., Bigiel, F., Brinks, E., Chemin, L., Combes, F., Gibson, B., Healy, J., Holwerda, B. W., Józsa, G. I. G., Kamphuis, P., Kleiner, D., Kurapati, S., Marasco, A., Spekkens, K., Veronese, S., Walter, F., Zabel, N., Zijlstra, A. 2024, A&A, 690, A69 [PDF]

Satellite group infall into the Milky Way: exploring the Crater-Leo case with new HST proper motions
Julio, M.P., Pawlowski, M.S., Sohn, S.T., Taibi, S., van der Marel, R.P., & McGaugh, S.S. 2024, A&A, 687, A212 [PDF]

MHONGOOSE - A MeerKAT Nearby Galaxy HI Survey
de Blok, W.J.G., & MHONGOOSE survey team 2024, A&A, 688, A109

The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation I: WISE/Spitzer Photometry
Duey, F., Schombert, J.M., McGaugh, S.S., & Lelli, F. 2024, AJ, 168, 19 [PDF]

A Distinct Radial Acceleration Relation across Brightest Cluster Galaxies and Galaxy Clusters
Tian, Y., Ko, C.-M., Li, P. McGaugh, S.S., Poblete, S.L. 2024, A&A, 684, A180 [PDF]

Radial acceleration relation of galaxies with joint kinematic and weak-lensing data
Mistele, T., McGaugh, S., Lelli, F., Schombert, J., & Li, P. 2024, JCAP, 04, 020 [PDF]

BST1047+1156: A (Failing) Ultradiffuse Tidal Dwarf in the Leo I Group
Mihos, J.C., Durrell, P.R., Watkins, A.E., McGaugh, S.S., & Feldmeier, J.J. 2024, ApJ, 964, 67 [PDF]

Discord in Concordance Cosmology and Anomalously Massive Early Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 2024, Universe, 10, 48 [PDF] (part of the special issue on the cosmic microwave background)

Molecular and Ionized Gas in Tidal Dwarf Galaxies: The Spatially Resolved Star-Formation Relation
Kovakkuni, N., Lelli, F., Duc, P.-A., Boquien, M., Braine, J., Brinks, E., Charmandaris, V., Combes, F., Fensch, J., Lisenfeld, U., McGaugh, S.S., Mihos, J.C., Pawlowski, M.S., Revaz, Y., & Weilbacher, P.M. 2023, MNRAS, 526, 1940 [PDF]

Measuring galaxy cluster mass profiles into low acceleration regions with galaxy kinematics
Li, P., Tian, Y., Julio, M.P., Pawlowski, M.S., Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J.M., Read, J.I., Yu, P.C., & Ko, C.-M. 2023, A&A, 677, A24 [PDF]

Superfluid dark matter in tension with weak gravitational lensing data
Mistele, T., McGaugh, S., & Hossenfelder, S. 2023, JCAP, 09, 004 [PDF]

Estimating the Oblateness Of Dark Matter Halos Using Neutral Hydrogen Velocity Dispersion
Das, M., Ianjamasimanana, R., McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J., Dwarakanath, K.S. 2023, ApJ, 946 L8 [PDF]

Cold gas disks in main-sequence galaxies at cosmic noon: Low turbulence, flat rotation curves, and disk-halo degeneracy
Lelli, F., Zhang, Z.-Y, Bisbas, T.G., Lin, L., Papadopoulos, P., Schombert, J.M., Di Teodoro, E., Marasco, A., & McGaugh, S.S., A&A, 2023, 672, A106 [PDF]

Aether Scalar Tensor theory confronted with weak lensing data at small accelerations
Mistele, T., McGaugh, S., & Hossenfelder, S. 2023, A&A, 2023, 676, A100 [PDF]

Deep Narrowband Photometry of the M101 Group: Strong-Line Abundances of 720 HII Regions
Garner III, R., Mihos, J.C., Harding, P., Watkins, A.E., & McGaugh, S.S. 2022, ApJ, 941, 182 [PDF]

Testing Modified Gravity Theories with Numerical Solutions of the External Field Effect in Rotationally Supported Galaxies
Chae, K.-H., Lelli, F., Desmond, H., McGaugh, S.S., & Schombert, J.M. 2022, PRD, 106, 103025 [PDF]

Incorporating baryon-driven contraction of dark matter halos in rotation curve fits
Li, P., McGaugh, S.S., Lelli, F., Schombert, J.M., & Pawlowski, M.S. 2022, A&A, 665, A143 [PDF]

Galactic Mass-to-Light Ratios With Superfluid Dark Matter
Mistele, T., McGaugh, S., & Hossenfelder, S. 2022, A&A, 664, A40 [PDF]

The Effect of Adiabatic Compression on Dark Matter Halos and the Radial Acceleration Relation
Li, P., McGaugh, S.S., Lelli, F., Tian, Y., Schombert, J.M., & Ko, C.-M. 2022, ApJ, 927, 198 [PDF]

Stellar Mass-to-Light Ratios: Composite Bulge+Disk Models and the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation
Schombert, J.M., McGaugh, S.S., & Lelli, F. 2022, AJ, 163, 154 [PDF]

Testing the Strong Equivalence Principle. II. Relating the External Field Effect in Galaxy Rotation Curves to the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
Chae, K.-H., Desmond, H., Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., & Schombert, J.M. 2021, ApJ, 921, 104 [PDF]

The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation in the Local Group and the Equivalent Circular Velocity of Pressure Supported Dwarfs
McGaugh, S.S., Lelli, F., Schombert, J.M., Li, P., Visgaitis, T., Parker, K.S., & Pawlowski, M.S. 2021, AJ, 162, 202 [PDF]

Mass-Velocity Dispersion Relation in MaNGA Brightest Cluster Galaxies
Tian, Y., Cheng, H., McGaugh, S.S., Ko, C.-M., & Hsu, Y.-H. 2021, ApJ, 917, L24 [PDF]

Comparing the Inner and Outer Star Forming Complexes in the Nearby Spiral Galaxies NGC 628, NGC 5457 and NGC 6946 using UVIT Observations
Yadav, J., Das, M., Patra, N.N., Dwarakanath, K.S., Rahna, P.T., McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J., & Murthy, J. 2021, ApJ, 914, 54 [PDF]

Testing Galaxy Formation and Dark Matter with Low Surface Brightness Galaxies (invited review)
McGaugh, S.S. 2021, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 88, 220-236 [PDF]

Mass-Velocity Dispersion Relation in HIFLUGCS Galaxy Clusters
Tian, Y., Yu, P.-C., Li, P., McGaugh, S.S., & Ko, C.-M. 2021, ApJ, 910, 56 [PDF]

Anomalous Stellar Populations in LSB Galaxies
Schombert, J.M. & McGaugh, S.S. 2021, AJ, 161, 91 [PDF]

A cautionary tale in fitting galaxy rotation curves with Bayesian techniques: does Newton's constant vary from galaxy to galaxy?
Li, P., Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J.M., & Chae, K.-H. 2021, A&A, 646, 13 [PDF]

Testing the Strong Equivalence Principle: Detection of the External Field Effect in Rotationally Supported Galaxies
Chae, K.-H., Lelli, F., Desmond, H., McGaugh, S.S., Li, P., & Schombert, J.M. 2020, ApJ, 904, 51 [PDF]

Self-consistent Color-Mass-to-Light-Ratio relations for Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Du, Wei, & McGaugh, S.S. 2020, AJ, 160, 122 [PDF]

Using The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation to Measure H0
Schombert, J.M., McGaugh, S.S., & Lelli, F. 2020, AJ, 160, 71 [PDF]

Predictions and Outcomes for the Dynamics of Rotating Galaxies (invited review)
McGaugh, S.S. 2020, Galaxies, 8, 35 [PDF]

A comprehensive catalog of dark matter halo models for SPARC galaxies
Li, P., Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., & Schombert, J.M. 2020, ApJS, 247, 31 [PDF]

Tracing the Dynamical Mass in Galaxy Disks Using HI Velocity Dispersion and its Implications for the Dark Matter Distribution in Galaxies
Das, M., McGaugh, S.S., Ianjamasimanana, R., Schombert, J.M., & Dwarakanath, K.S. 2020, ApJ, 889, 10 [PDF]

The Halo Mass Function of Late-Type Galaxies from HI Kinematics
Li, P., Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., Pawlowski, M.S., Zwaan, M.A., & Schombert, J.M. 2019, ApJ, 886, L11 [PDF]

The Imprint of Spiral Arms on the Galactic Rotation Curve
McGaugh, S.S. 2019, ApJ, 885, 87 [PDF]

The baryonic Tully-Fisher relation for different velocity definitions and implications for galaxy angular momentum
Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J.M., Desmond, H., & Katz, H. 2019, MNRAS, 484, 3267-3278 [PDF]

Uncorrelated velocity and size residuals across galaxy rotation curves
Desmond, H., Katz, H., Lelli, F., & McGaugh, S.S. 2019, MNRAS, 484, 239-244 [PDF]

The Mass-to-light Ratios and the Star Formation Histories of Disk Galaxies
Schombert, J.M., McGaugh, S.S., & Lelli, F. 2019, MNRAS, 483, 1496-1512 [PDF]

The Tight Empirical Relation between Dark Matter Halo Mass and Flat Rotation Velocity for Late-Type Galaxies
Katz, H., Desmond, H., McGaugh, S.S., & Lelli, F. 2019, MNRAS, 483, L98-L103 [PDF]

A constant characteristic volume density of dark matter haloes from SPARC rotation curve fits
Li, P., Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., Starkman, N. & Schombert, J.M. 2019, MNRAS, 482, 5106-5124 [PDF]

Presence of a fundamental acceleration scale in galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., Li, P., Lelli, F., & Schombert, J.M. 2018, Nature Astronomy, 2, 924 [PDF | DOI]

Predictions for the sky-averaged depth of the 21cm absorption signal at high redshift in cosmologies with and without non-baryonic cold dark matter
McGaugh, S.S. 2018, PRL, 121, 081305 [PDF]

Stellar Feedback and the Energy Budget of Late-Type Galaxies: Missing Baryons and Core Creation
Katz, H., Desmond, H., Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., Di Cintio, A., Brook, C.B., & Schombert, J.M. 2018, MNRAS, 480, 4287-4301 [PDF]

A New Algorithm to Quantify Maximum Discs in Galaxies
Starkman, N., McGaugh, S.S., Lelli, F., & Schombert, J.M. 2018, MNRAS, 480, 2292-2301 [PDF]

MOND and the dynamics of NGC1052-DF2
Famaey, B., McGaugh, S.S., & Milgrom, M. 2018, MNRAS, 480, 473-476 [PDF]

Fitting the Radial Acceleration Relation to Individual SPARC Galaxies
Li, P., Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., & Schombert, J.M. 2018, A&A, 615, A3 [PDF]

The Star Forming Main Sequence of Dwarf Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J.M., & Lelli, F. 2017, ApJ, 851, 22 [PDF]

Considerations on how to investigate planes of satellite galaxies
Pawlowski, M.S., Dabringhausen, J., Famaey, B., Flores, H., Hammer, F., Ibata, R.A., Kroupa, P., Lewis, G.F., Libeskind, N.I., McGaugh, S.S., Merritt, D., Puech, M., & Yang, Y. 2017, Astronomische Nachrichten, 338, 854-861 [PDF]

Testing Verlinde's Emergent Gravity with the Radial Acceleration Relation
Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., & Schombert, J.M. 2017, MNRAS, 468, L68-L71 [PDF]

One Law To Rule Them All: The Radial Acceleration Relation of Galaxies
Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J.M., & Pawlowski, M.S. 2017, ApJ, 836, 152 (23pp) [PDF]

Spitzer's View of the Candidate Cluster and Protocluster Catalog (CCPC)
Franck, J.R., & McGaugh, S.S. 2017, ApJ, 836, 136 (20pp) [PDF]

Testing Feedback-Modified Dark Matter Haloes with Galaxy Rotation Curves: Estimation of Halo Parameters and Consistency with ΛCDM
Katz, H., Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., Di Cintio, A., Brook, C.B., & Schombert, J.M. 2017, MNRAS, 466, 1648-1668 [PDF]

MOND Prediction for the Velocity Dispersion of the `Feeble Giant' Crater II
McGaugh, S.S. 2016, ApJ, 832, L8 (4pp) [PDF]

The candidate cluster and protocluster catalog (CCPC) II: Spectroscopically identified structures spanning 2 ≤ z ≤ 6.6
Franck, J.R., & McGaugh, S.S. 2016, ApJ, 833, 15 (19pp) [PDF]

Radial Acceleration Relation in Rotationally Supported Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., Lelli, F., & Schombert, J.M. 2016, PRL, 117, 201101 (6pp) [PDF]

SPARC: Mass Models for 175 Disk Galaxies with Spitzer Photometry and Accurate Rotation Curves
Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., & Schombert, J.M. 2016, AJ, 152, 157 (14pp) [PDF]

The Relation between Stellar and Dynamical Surface Densities in the Central Regions of Disk Galaxies
Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J.M. & Pawlowski, M.S. 2016, ApJ, 827, L19 (6 pp) [PDF]

The candidate cluster and protocluster catalog (CCPC) of spectroscopically identified structures spanning 2.74 < z < 3.71
Franck, J.R., & McGaugh, S.S. 2016, ApJ, 817, 158 (14pp) [PDF]

The small scatter of the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation
Lelli, F., McGaugh, S.S., & Schombert, J.M. 2016, ApJ, 816, L14 (6pp) [PDF]

The Surface Density Profile of the Galactic Disk from the Terminal Velocity Curve
McGaugh, S.S. 2016, ApJ, 816, 42 (18pp) [PDF]

Gas dynamics in tidal dwarf galaxies: disc formation at z=0
Lelli, F., Duc, P.-A., Brinks, E., Bournaud, F., McGaugh, S.S., Lisenfeld, U., Weilbacher, P.M., Boquien, M., Revaz, Y., Braine, J., Koribalski, B.S., Belles, P.-E. 2015, A&A, 584, A113 (25pp) [PDF]

Stellar Populations and the Star Formation Histories of LSB Galaxies: V. WFC3 Color-Magnitude Diagrams
Schombert, J.M., & McGaugh, S.S. 2015, AJ, 150, 72 (24pp) [PDF]

The new Milky Way satellites: alignment with the VPOS and predictions for proper motions and velocity dispersions
Pawlowski, M.S, McGaugh, S.S., & Jerjen, H. 2015, MNRAS, 453, 1047-1061 [PDF]

Three candidate clusters around high redshift radio-loud sources: MG1 J04426+0202, 3C 068.2, MS 1426.9+1052
Franck, J.R., McGaugh, S.S., & Schombert, J.M. 2015, AJ, 150, 46 (11pp) [PDF]

Mass models of disk galaxies from the DiskMass Survey in MOND
Angus, G.W., Gentile, G., Swaters, R.A., Famaey, B., Diaferio, A., McGaugh, S.S., van der Heyden, K.J., 2015, MNRAS, 451, 3551-3580 [PDF]

The link between mass distribution and starbursts in dwarf galaxies
McQuinn, K.B.W., Lelli, F., Skillman, E.D., Dolphin, A.E., McGaugh, S.S., Williams, B.F. 2015, MNRAS, 450, 3886-3892 [PDF]

Weighing Galaxy Disks with the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation
McGaugh, S.S., & Schombert, J.M. 2015, ApJ, 802, 18 (16pp) [PDF]

A Tale of Two Paradigms: the Mutual Incommensurability of ΛCDM and MOND (invited review)
McGaugh, S.S. 2015, Canadian Journal of Physics, 93(2), 250-259 (10.1139/cjp-2014-0203) [PDF]

The Third Law of Galactic Rotation (invited review)
McGaugh, S.S. 2014, Galaxies, 2(4), 601-622 (22pp) [PDF]

Stellar Populations and the Star Formation Histories of LSB Galaxies: III. Stellar Population Models
Schombert, J.M., McGaugh, S.S. 2014, PASA, 31, e036 (15 pp) [PDF]

Color--Mass-to-Light Ratio Relations for Disk Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., & Schombert, J.M. 2014, AJ, 148, 77 (12pp) [PDF]

Co-orbiting Planes of Sub-halos are Similarly Unlikely around Paired and Isolated Hosts
Pawlowski, M.S., & McGaugh, S.S. 2014, ApJ, 789, L24 (7pp) [PDF]

Perseus I and the NGC 3109 association in the context of the Local Group dwarf galaxy structures
Pawlowski, M.S., & McGaugh, S.S. 2014, MNRAS, 440, 908-919 [PDF]

The Inner Dynamical Mass Across Galaxy Morphology: A Weak Scaling with Total Stellar Mass
Kuzio de Naray, R. & McGaugh, S.S. 2014, ApJ, 782, L12 (5pp) [PDF]

The Formation of Spiral Galaxies: Adiabatic Compression with Young's Algorithm and the Relation of Dark Matter Haloes to Their Primordial Antecedents
Katz, H., McGaugh, S.S., Sellwood, J.A., & de Blok, W.J.G. 2014, MNRAS, 439, 1897-1908 [PDF]

Stellar Populations and the Star Formation Histories of LSB Galaxies: IV Spitzer Surface Photometry of LSB Galaxies
Schombert, J.M., & McGaugh, S.S. 2014, PASA, 31, e011 (15 pp) [PDF]
[Images & charts]

Andromeda Dwarfs in Light of MOND. II. Testing Prior Predictions
McGaugh, S.S., & Milgrom, M. 2013, ApJ, 775, 139 (6pp) [PDF]

Stellar Populations and the Star Formation Histories of LSB Galaxies: II. HII Regions
Schombert, J.M., McGaugh, S.S., & Maciel, T. 2013, AJ, 146, 41 (12pp) [PDF]

Galaxy Cluster Bulk Flows and Collision Velocities in QUMOND
Katz, H., McGaugh, S.S., Teuben, P., & Angus, G.W. 2013, ApJ, 772, 10 (9pp) [PDF]

Discrete clouds of neutral gas between the galaxies M31 and M33
Wolfe, S.A., Pisano, D.J., Lockman, F.J., McGaugh, S.S., & Shaya, E.J. 2013, Nature, 497, 224-226 [PDF]

Andromeda Dwarfs in Light of Modified Newtonian Dynamics
McGaugh, S.S., & Milgrom, M. 2013, ApJ, 766, 22 (7pp) [PDF]

Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND): Observational Phenomenology and Relativistic Extensions (invited review)
Famaey, B., & McGaugh, S.S. 2012, Living Reviews in Relativity, 15, 10 (159pp) [PDF]

A QUMOND Galactic N-body Code I: Poisson Solver and Rotation Curve Fitting
Angus, G.W., van der Heyden, K., Famaey, B., Gentile, G., McGaugh, S.S., de Blok, W.J.G. 2012, MNRAS, 421, 2598-2609 (12pp) [PDF]

The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation of Gas Rich Galaxies as a Test of LCDM and MOND
McGaugh, S.S. 2012, AJ, 143, 40 (15pp) [PDF]

Stellar Populations and the Star Formation Histories of LSB Galaxies: I. Optical and H-alpha Imaging
Schombert, J.M., Maciel, T., & McGaugh, S.S. 2011, Advances in Astronomy, 2011, 143698 (18pp) [PDF]
[SB profiles] | [Color maps] | [XML] | [Scripts]

A Novel Test of the Modified Newtonian Dynamics with Gas Rich Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 2011, PRL, 106, 121303 [PDF]

Local Group Dwarf Spheroidals: Correlated Deviations from the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation
McGaugh, S.S., & Wolf, J. 2010, ApJ, 722, 248-261 [PDF]

Contradiction bewteen strong lensing statistics and a feedback solution for the cusp/core problem
Chen, D.-M., & McGaugh, S.S. 2010, RAA, 10, 1215-1222 [PDF]

Testing Modified Newtonian Dynamics with Rotation Curves of Dwarf and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Swaters, R.A., Sanders, R.H., & McGaugh, S.S. 2010, ApJ, 718, 380-391 [PDF]

Comparing the Dark Matter Halos of Spiral, Low Surface Brightness and Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
Walker, M.G., McGaugh, S.S., Mateo, M., Olszewski, E., & Kuzio de Naray, R. 2010, ApJ, 717, L87-L91 [PDF]

The Baryon Content of Cosmic Structures
McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J.M., de Blok, W.J.G., & Zagursky, M.J. 2010, ApJ, 708, L14-L17 [PDF]

The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation and its Implication for Dark Matter Halos
Trachternach, C., de Blok, W.J.G., McGaugh, S.S., van der Hulst, J.M., & Dettmar, R.-J. 2009, A&A, 505, 577-587 [PDF]

Kinematic and Photometric Evidence for a Bar in NGC 2683
Kuzio de Naray, R.K., Zagursky, M.J., & McGaugh, S.S. 2009, AJ, 138, 1082-1089 [PDF]

A First Attempt to Calibrate the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation with Gas Dominated Galaxies
Stark, D.V., McGaugh, S.S., & Swaters, R.A. 2009, AJ, 138, 392-141 [PDF]

Chandra Observations of Nuclear X-ray Emission from Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Das., M., Reynolds, C.S., Vogel, S.N., McGaugh, S.S., & Kantharia, N.G. 2009, ApJ, 693, 1300-1305 [PDF]

Constraining the NFW Potential with Observations and Modeling of LSB Galaxy Velocity Fields
Kuzio de Naray, R., McGaugh, S.S., & Mihos, J.C., 2009, ApJ, 692, 1321-1332
[high resolution color preprint | ApJ version]

VIMOS-VLT Integral Field Kinematics of the Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxy ESO 323-G064
Coccato, L., Swaters, R.A., Rubin, V.C., D'Odorico, S., McGaugh, S.S. 2008, A&A, 490, 589-600 [PDF]

Milky Way Mass Models and MOND
McGaugh, S.S. 2008, ApJ, 683, 137-148 [PDF]

Mass Models of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies with High Resolution Optical Velocity Fields
Kuzio de Naray, R., McGaugh, S.S., & de Blok, W.J.G. 2008, ApJ, 676, 920-943
[high resolution color preprint | ApJ version]

The Collision Velocity of the Bullet Cluster in Conventional and Modified Dynamics
Angus, G.W., & McGaugh, S.S. 2008, MNRAS, 383, 417-423 [PDF]

The AGN and Gas Disk in the Low Surface Brightness Galaxy PGC045080
Das, M., Kantharia, N., Ramya, S., Prabhu, T.P., McGaugh, S.S., & Vogel, S.N. 2007, MNRAS, 379, 11-20 [PDF]

The Rotation Velocity Attributable to Dark Matter at Intermediate Radii in Disk Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., de Blok, W.J.G., Schombert, J.M., Kuzio de Naray, R., & Kim, J.H. 2007, ApJ, 659, 149-161
[high resolution color preprint | ApJ version]

CO Detection and Millimeter Continuum Emission from Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Das, M., O'Neil, K., Vogel, S.N., & McGaugh, S.S. 2006, ApJ, 651, 853-860 [PDF]

High Resolution Optical Velocity Fields of 11 Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Kuzio de Naray, R., McGaugh, S.S., de Blok, W.J.G. & Bosma, A. 2006, ApJS, 165, 461-479
[high resolution color preprint | ApJ version]

The Compression of Dark Matter Halos by Baryonic Infall
Sellwood, J.A., & McGaugh, S.S. 2005, ApJ, 634, 70-76 [PDF]

The Balance of Dark and Luminous Mass in Rotating Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 2005, PRL, 95, 171302 [PDF]

The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation of Galaxies with Extended Rotation Curves and the Stellar Mass of Rotating Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 2005, ApJ, 632, 859-871 [PDF]

The Baryonic Tully Fisher Relation
Gurovich, S., McGaugh, S.S., Freeman, K.C., Jerjen, H. Staveley-Smith, L., de Blok, W.J.G. 2004, PASA, 21, 412-414 [PDF]

Oxygen Abundances and Chemical Evolution in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Kuzio de Naray, R., McGaugh, S.S., & de Blok, W.J.G. 2004, MNRAS, 355, 887-898 [PDF]

Confrontation of MOND Predictions with WMAP First Year Data
McGaugh, S.S. 2004, ApJ, 611, 26-39 [PDF]

The Mass Discrepancy-Acceleration Relation: Disk Mass and the Dark Matter Distribution
McGaugh, S.S. 2004, ApJ, 609, 652-666 [PDF]

Simulating Observations of Dark Matter Dominated Galaxies: Towards the Optimal Halo Profile
de Blok, W.J.G., Bosma, A., & McGaugh, S.S. 2003, MNRAS, 340, 657-678 [PDF]

A Limit on the Cosmological Mass Density and Power Spectrum from the Rotation Curves of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., Barker, M.K., & de Blok, W.J.G., 2003, ApJ, 584, 566-576 [PDF]

Modified Newtonian Dynamics as an Alternative to Dark Matter (review)
Sanders, R.H., & McGaugh, S.S. 2002, ARA&A, 40, 263-317 [PDF]

High-Resolution Rotation Curves of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies: Mass Models
de Blok, W.J.G., McGaugh, S.S., & Rubin, V.C. 2001, AJ, 122, 2396-2428 [PDF]

High-Resolution Rotation Curves of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies: Data
McGaugh, S.S., Rubin, V.C., & de Blok, W.J.G. 2001, AJ, 122, 2381-2395 [PDF]

Mass Density Profiles of LSB Galaxies
de Blok, W.J.G., McGaugh, S.S., Bosma, A., & Rubin, V.C. 2001, ApJ, 552, L23-L26 [PDF]

Gas Mass Fractions and the Evolution of LSB Dwarf Galaxies
Schombert, J.M., McGaugh, S.S., & Eder, J.A. 2001, AJ, 121, 2420-2430 [PDF]

BOOMERanG Data Suggest a Purely Baryonic Universe
McGaugh, S.S. 2000, ApJ, 541, L33-36 [HTML] [PDF]

The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation
McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J.M., Bothun, G.D., & de Blok, W.J.G. 2000, ApJ, 533, L99-L102 [PDF]

Star Formation and Tidal Encounters with the Low Surface Brightness Galaxy UGC 12695 and Companions
O'Neil, K., Verheijen, M.A.W., & McGaugh, S.S. 2000, AJ, 119, 2154-2165 [PDF]

Distinguishing Between CDM and MOND: Predictions for the Microwave Background
McGaugh, S.S. 1999, ApJ, 523, L99-L102 [HTML] [PDF]

The Molecular ISM in Low Surface Brightness Disk Galaxies
Mihos, J.C., Spaans, M., & McGaugh, S.S. 1999, ApJ, 515, 89-96 [PDF]

HST WFPC-2 Imaging of UGC 12695: A Remarkably Unevolved Galaxy at Low Redshift
O'Neil, K., Bothun, G.D., Impey, C.D., & McGaugh, S.S. 1998, AJ, 116, 657-672 [PDF]

Testing Modified Newtonian Dynamics with Low Surface Brightness Galaxies - Rotation Curve Fits
de Blok, W.J.G. & McGaugh, S.S. 1998, ApJ, 508, 132-140 [PDF]

Testing the Hypothesis of Modified Dynamics with Low Surface Brightness Galaxies and Other Evidence
McGaugh, S.S., & de Blok, W.J.G. 1998, ApJ, 499, 66-81 [PDF]

Testing the Dark Matter Hypothesis with Low Surface Brightness Galaxies and Other Evidence
McGaugh, S.S., & de Blok, W.J.G. 1998, ApJ, 499, 41-65 [PDF]

Hidden Galaxies Revealed (review)
Bothun, G., Impey, C., & McGaugh, S. 1997, PASP, 109, 745-758 [PDF]

The Dark and Baryonic Matter Content of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
de Blok, W.J.G., & McGaugh, S.S. 1997, MNRAS, 290, 533-552 [PDF]

Gas Mass Fractions and the Evolution of Spiral Galaxies
McGaugh S.S., & de Blok, W.J.G. 1997, ApJ, 481, 689-702 [PDF]

Dynamical Stability and Environmental Influences in Low Surface Brightness Disk Galaxies
Mihos, J. C., McGaugh, S.S., & de Blok, W.J.G. 1997, ApJ, 477, L79-L83 [PDF]

HI Observations of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies: Probing Low Density Galaxies
de Blok, W.J.G., McGaugh, S.S., & van der Hulst, J.M. 1996, MNRAS, 283, 18-54 [PDF]

Could a Local Group X-ray Halo Affect the X-ray and Microwave Backgrounds?
Pildis, R.A., & McGaugh, S.S. 1996, ApJ, 470, L77-L79 [PDF]

Does Low Surface Brightness Mean Low Density?
de Blok, W.J.G., & McGaugh, S.S. 1996, ApJ, 469, L89-L92 [PDF]

Cosmological Constant
McGaugh, S.S. 1996, Nature, 381, 483 [PDF]

The Number, Luminosity, and Mass Density of Spiral Galaxies as a Function of Surface Brightness
McGaugh, S.S. 1996, MNRAS, 280, 337-354 [PDF]

Galaxy Selection and the Surface Brightness Distribution
McGaugh, S.S., Bothun, G.D., & Schombert, J.M. 1995, AJ, 110, 573-580 [PDF]

The Morphology of Low Surface Brightness Disk Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J.M., & Bothun, G.D. 1995, AJ, 109, 2019-2033 [PDF]

The Tully-Fisher Relation for Low Surface Brightness Galaxies - Implications for Galaxy Evolution
Zwaan, M.A., van der Hulst, J.M., de Blok, W.J.G., & McGaugh, S.S. 1995, MNRAS, 273, L35-L38 [PDF]

The Contribution of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies to Faint Galaxy Number Counts
Ferguson, H.C., & McGaugh, S.S. 1995, ApJ, 440, 470-484 [PDF]

Oxygen Abundances in Low Surface Brightness Disk Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 1994, ApJ, 426, 135-149 [PDF]

Spatial Distribution of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Mo, H.J., McGaugh, S.S., & Bothun, G.D. 1994, MNRAS, 267, 129-140 [PDF]

A Possible Local Counterpart to the Excess Population of Faint Blue Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 1994, Nature, 367, 538-541 [PDF]

Structural Characteristics and Stellar Composition of Low Surface Brightness Disk Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., & Bothun. G.D. 1994, AJ, 107, 530-542 [PDF] | [Correct Appendix]

Star Formation Thresholds in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
van der Hulst, J.M., Skillman, E.D., Smith, T.R., Bothun, G.D., McGaugh, S.S., & de Blok, W.J.G. 1993, AJ, 106, 548-559 [PDF]

The Small Scale Environment of Low Surface Brightness Disk Galaxies
Bothun, G.D., Schombert, J.M., Impey, C.D., Sprayberry, D., & McGaugh, S.S. 1993, AJ, 106, 530-547 [PDF]

A Catalog of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies: List II
Schombert, J.M., Bothun, G.D., Schneider, S.E., & McGaugh, S.S. 1992, AJ, 103, 1107-1133 [PDF]

HII Region Abundances: Model Oxygen Line Ratios
McGaugh, S.S. 1991, ApJ, 380, 140-150 [PDF]

Stellar Populations in Shell Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., & Bothun, G.D. 1990, AJ, 100, 1073-1085 [PDF]

The Geometry, Composition, and Mass of the Crab Nebula
MacAlpine, G.M., McGaugh, S.S., Mazzarella, J.M., & Uomoto, A. 1989, ApJ, 342, 364-378 [PDF]

An Investigation of the Efficiencies of Various Buffer Gases in Na-Xe Spin Exchange
McGaugh, S.S., Musolf, M., Wu, Z., & Happer, W. 1987, Physics Letters A, 120, 124-128 [PDF] | [doi:10.1016/0375-9601(87)90711-0]

Research Notes

Early Galaxy Formation and the Hubble Constant Tension
McGaugh, S.S. 2023, RNAAS, 7, 20 [PDF]

Dark Matter Halo Masses from Abundance Matching and Kinematics: Tensions for the Milky Way and M31
McGaugh, S.S., & van Dokkum, P. 2021, RNAAS, 5, 23 [PDF]

Scaling Relations for Molecular Gas and Metallicity: Impact on the Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation
McGaugh, S.S., Lelli, F., & Schombert, J.M. 2020, RNAAS, 4, 45 [PDF]

A Precise Milky Way Rotation Curve Model for an Accurate Galactocentric Distance
McGaugh, S.S. 2018, RNAAS, 2, 156 [PDF]

Strong Hydrogen Absorption at Cosmic Dawn: the Signature of a Baryonic Universe
McGaugh, S.S. 2018, RNAAS, 2, 37 [PDF]

Invited Conference Presentations

Quantitative Morphology and Hubble Types in Today's Universe
McGaugh, S.S., 2024, for Secular Evolution in Disk Galaxies: Internal Processes and Their Impact on Galactic Dynamics, a splinter meeting at AAS 224, Madison

Predictions and outcomes: tests of LCDM and MOND
McGaugh, S.S., 2023, for MOND at 40, St. Andrews

Local Group Galaxies from an External Perspective
McGaugh, S.S., 2023, for IAU 379: Dynamical Masses of Local Group Galaxies, Potsdam

Eight Minutes of Arc
McGaugh, S.S., 2021, for Kepler at 450: An Interdisciplinary Celebration, KSL, CWRU

Scaling Relations in Galaxies || recordings available in Keynote and M4V format
McGaugh, S.S., 2020, for Deciphering Dark Matter: From Galaxies to the Universe, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Regularities in the dynamics of rotating galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., 2020, for 23rd Meeting on Research in Astronomy, Zanjan, Iran

Signatures of MOND in Cosmology
McGaugh, S.S., 2019, for The functioning of galaxies: challenges for Newtonian and Milgromian dynamics, Bonn

Outstanding Challenges to LCDM
McGaugh, S.S., 2019, for From the Early to the Late Universe, Venice

Dynamical Regularities in Galaxies [NCBI archive]
McGaugh, S.S., Lelli, F., Li, P., & Schombert, J.M. 2019, for IAU 353: Galactic Dynamics in the Era of Large Surveys, Shanghai

Incommensurate Realities: Predictive Successes of Dark Matter and Modified Gravity
McGaugh, S.S., 2019, for Dark Matter & Modified Gravity, Aachen

The Radial Acceleration Relation
McGaugh, S.S., 2019, for Novel Ideas for Dark Matter 2019, Princeton

Cosmic Signatures of Scale-Invariant Dynamics
McGaugh, S.S., 2018, for Cosmology on Small Scales, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

"Debate 2"
McGaugh, S.S., 2018, for Dark matter detection and detectability: paradigm confirmation or shift?, KITP, UCSB

Extended Theories of Gravity
McGaugh, S.S., 2017, for Cosmic Opportunities, SLAC Summer Institute

McGaugh, S.S., 2017, for Dwarf Galaxies on the Shoulders of Giants, Cleveland

Dark Matter
McGaugh, S.S., 2017, for From the Cosmos to the LHC, Cleveland

Critical Examination of the Existence of Dark Matter
McGaugh, S.S., 2017, for Beyond WIMPs: from Theory to Detection, Stony Brook

Radial Acceleration Relation in Rotationally Supported Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., 2017, for Bright & Dark Universe, Naples

The mere fact that you realize you need help indicates that you are not too far gone
McGaugh, S.S., 2016, for Rethinking the Dark Matter Paradigm, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study

Laws of Galactic Rotation
McGaugh, S.S., 2014, for IARD 2014, U. Conn.

MOND with emphasis on predictive power
McGaugh, S.S., 2014, for Debates on the Nature of Dark Matter, Harvard CfA

MOND with emphasis on the philosophy of science
McGaugh, S.S., 2014, for the Carnegie Cognitive Astrophysics Workshop, OCIW

Connections between Stellar Populations and Disk Dynamics
McGaugh, S.S., 2013, for The Dynamics of Disk Galaxies, Seoul National University

Galactic Rotation and Natural Law
McGaugh, S.S., 2012, for Einstein vs. Schwinger Meeting-in-Meeting, Anchorage AAS

The Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relation
McGaugh, S.S., 2012, for Global Properties of HI in Galaxies Workshop, NRAO Greenbank
("TF35" held in honor of the 35th anniversary of the discovery of the Tully-Fisher relationship)

The Trials and Tribulations of Modern Cosmology: The Good, the Bad, and the Just Plain Ugly
McGaugh, S.S., 2011, for Evidential Reasoning in Cosmology, University of Western Ontario

The Baryon Content of Cosmic Structures
McGaugh, S.S., 2010, for The Standard Model of the Universe: Theory and Observations, Paris

Empirical Tests of MOND in Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., 2010, for Modifed Gravity Approaches to the Dark Sector, Observatoire d'Strasbourg

Baryons and Their Halos
McGaugh, S.S., 2009, for Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation, Malta

Star Formation in Gas Rich Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., 2009, for Assembly, Gas Content and Star Formation History of Galaxies, NRAO Charlottesville

The core-cusp dilemma
Baryonic Tully-Fisher relation
McGaugh, S.S., 2009, for Extreme Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies, University of Michigan

Baryonic Masses from Rotation Curves
McGaugh, S.S., 2009, for Unveiling the Mass - Extracting and Interpreting Galaxy Masses, Queens University

Astronomical and Experimental tests of MOND
McGaugh, S.S., 2009, for Workshop on Tests of Gravity and Gravitational Physics, Case Western Reserve University

Some Systematic Properties of Galaxy Dynamics
McGaugh, S.S., 2009, for Shedding Light on Dark Matter, University of Maryland

The Baryonic and Dark Matter Distribution of the Milky Way
The Cusp-Core Problem
McGaugh, S.S. 2009, for Detecting Dark Matter in the Milky Way, Case Western Reserve University

Scaling Relations in Dim Galaxies: from the Big and Bright to the Faintest of the Tiny
McGaugh, S.S. 2007, for The Globular Clusters --- Dwarf Galaxies Connection, University of Michigan

The Halo by Halo Missing Baryon Problem
McGaugh, S.S. 2007, for IAU 244, Dark Galaxies & Lost Baryons, Cardiff [PDF]

The Connection Between Dark and Luminous Matter
McGaugh, S.S. 2007, for Astrophysical Probes of the Nature of Dark Matter, UC Irvine [PDF]

Balance of Dark and Luminous Mass in Rotating Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 2006, for Applications Of Gravitational Lensing: Unique Insights Into Galaxy Formation And Evolution, KITP, UCSB [PDF]

Empirical Constraints on Halo Profiles from Rotation Curves
McGaugh, S.S. 2006, for Galaxies in the Cosmic Web, Las Cruces, New Mexico [PDF]

Observational Constraints on the Acceleration Discrepancy Problem
McGaugh, S.S. 2006, for Alternative Gravities & Dark Matter Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland [PDF]

Mass discrepancies in the Universe: missing mass or new physics?
McGaugh, S.S. 2005, for Dark Matter in the Universe, Ann Arbor, Michigan [PDF]

Some Systematic Properties of Rotation Curves
McGaugh, S.S. 2005, in Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures, the Proceedings of the 21st IAP Colloquium, Paris, July 2005, eds. G. A. Mamon, F. Combes, C. Deffayet, B. Fort, 69-76

Luminous and Dark Mass in Spiral Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 2005, for The Formation of Disk Galaxies, Ascona, Switzerland

Mass Distributions from Rotation Curves
Dark Matter Halo Concentrations
McGaugh, S.S. 2003, for the Galaxy Formation Workshop, Hebrew University

Are Cuspy Halos Viable?
McGaugh, S.S. 2002, for Predictions of Cold Dark Matter Models on Small Scales: Current and Future Tests

Galaxy Masses: Disks and Their Halos
McGaugh, S.S. 2003, in The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift, Proceedings of the ESO Workshop held in Venice, Italy, 24-26 October 2001, eds. R. Bender and A. Renzini, 45

Constraints on the Radial Mass Distribution of Dark Matter Halos from Rotation Curves
McGaugh, S.S. 2002, in The Shapes of Galaxies and their Dark Halos, ed. P. Natarajan (New Haven: World Scientific), 186-193

The Dynamics of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 2002, for Galaxies: Mind Over Matter A Celebratory Symposium for Vera Rubin

LSB Galaxy Rotation Curves as Tests of CDM and MOND
McGaugh, S.S. 2001, Galaxies and the Dark Matter Problem

Galaxy Dynamics and the Second Peak: Cold Dark Matter?
McGaugh, S.S. 2001, APS Division of Particles & Fields 2000, IJMPA, 16, 1031-1033

Baryonic Tully-Fisher Relations
McGaugh, S.S. 2001, in Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies, eds. Funes, J.G. & Corsini, E.M., (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), ASP 230, 541-544

Dynamical Constraints on Disk Galaxy Formation
McGaugh, S.S. 2000, in Galaxy Dynamics: from the Early Universe to the Present, eds. Combes, F., Mamon, G.A., & Charmandaris, V. (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), ASP 197, 153-160

How Galaxies Don't Form
McGaugh, S.S. 1999, in Galaxy Dynamics, eds. Merritt, D., Sellwood, J.A., & Valluri, M. (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), ASP 182, 528-538 | Level5

Optical Galaxy Selection
McGaugh, S.S. 1999, IAU Colloquium 171: The Low Surface Brightness Universe, eds. Davies, J.I., Impey, C., & Phillipps, S., (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), ASP 170, 19-26

Dwarf and Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 1996, in IAU Symposium No. 171: New Light on Galaxy Evolution, eds. Bender, R. & Davies, R.L. (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 97-104

The Number Density of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 1994, in Quantifying Galaxy Morphology at High Redshift (Space Telescope Science Institute)

Local Low Surface Brightness Galaxies and the Excess Faint Galaxy Population
McGaugh, S.S. 1994, Faint Blue Galaxies Workshop (Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge)

The Formation and Evolution of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S. 1993, Dim Galaxies, Dark Matter, and Extragalactic Background Radiation (Nordita, Copenhagen)

Public Talks

Does Dark Matter Make the Galaxies Go Around?
Cape Cod Astronomical Society (9 January 2025)

Testing Modified Theories of Gravity in Galaxies
Origin Science Scholars (21 May 2024)

The Acceleration Discrepancy
Akron Physics Club (26 January 2022)

The Acceleration Discrepancy
Rose City Astronomers (18 October 2021)

Dark Matter and Gravity in the Universe
Crawley Astronomical Society (19 March 2021)

Dark Matter and Gravity: What is the Universe Made of, and Which is Calling the Shots?
Golden Webinar in Astrophysics, Instituto de Astrofisica, Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile (15 January 2021)

Dark Matter and Gravity in the Universe
Cuyahoga Astronomical Association (9 September 2019)

Into the Darkness: Was Newton Not Quite Right?
Theodor Schiotz Brewing Co., Odense, Denmark (9 February 2019)

Divining the Difference between the Dark and the Light
Astronomy Club of Akron (16 November 2018)

The Mysterious Missing Mass and the Acceleration Discrepancy
University Lowbrow Astronomers, Ann Arbor, (15 September 2017)

Dark Matter or Modified Gravity? What the acceleration scale in galaxies suggests
Science Cafe, Music Box Supper Club, (13 March 2017)

Light or Dark? Mass and gravity in the universe
CWRU Physics & Astronomy Club, (8 March 2017)

Dark Matter or Modified Gravity?
Burrel Observatory, Baldwin Wallace, (3 March 2017)

Insights into how the Universe Doesn't Work
SPARC[conversations] Case Western Reserve University, (12 November 2016)

Gravity and Cosmology a Century after Einstein
Benson Lecture, Miami University, (7 April 2016)

Gravity and Orbits
TEDxCLE, Case Western Reserve University (20 November 2015)

Dark Matter or Modified Gravity? [video]
Toledo Astronomical Association (6 March 2015)

Cracking the Cosmic Code
Astronomy Distinguished Alumnus Lecture, University of Michigan (6 December 2013)

The case for modifying our current understanding of gravity
Institute for the Science of Origins: Origins Science Scholars Program (25 September 2013)

Star Formation in Dim Galaxies
CWRU Physics & Astronomy Club (18 April 2012)

The Driving Role of Gravity in Cosmology
Cleveland Museum of Natural History (9 December 2010)

Gravity and the Fate of the Universe: Mostly Dark, or all Bright?
MIT club of NE Ohio (25 March 2009)

Light in the Darkness: The Role of Mass, Energy, and Gravity in Modern Cosmology
Cleveland Museum of Natural History (9 December 2004)

Dark Matter Puzzles
CWRU Physics & Astronomy Club (22 November 2004)

Distinguishing Cosmologies: Arguments for and Against the Standard World Model, Then and Now
FYS, John Carroll University (3 October 2003)

Gravity, the Universe, and Dark Matter
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (13 May 2003)

Where is Most of the Universe Hiding? The Missing Mass Problem
Smithsonian Associates Lecture Series, Smithsonian Institution (5 March 2002)

Collective Denial and Individual Responsibility: Galileo's Daughters
FYS, John Carroll University (4 October 2002)

Dim Galaxies shed New Light on Old Problems
Space Telescope Science Institute (2 May 2000)

Popular Writings

Triton Station - a science blog with many posts. A list, along with citable DOIs, can be found on Rogue Scholar

Is Dark Matter Real?
Hossenfelder, S., & McGaugh, S.S., Scientific American, August 2018, p33

Testing Predicted Speeds of Stars in the Dwarf Satellite Galaxies of Andromeda
McGaugh, S.S., 2013, National Geographic Newswatch [Also here]

Radio Astronomers Discover Small Clouds of Intergalactic Gas in the Local Group
McGaugh, S.S., 2013, National Geographic Newswatch [Also here]

Predicting the Speeds of Stars in the Dwarf Satellite Galaxies of Andromeda: Dark Matter or Modified Gravity?
McGaugh, S.S., 2013, National Geographic Newswatch [Also here]

Seeing Through Dark Matter
McGaugh, S.S., 2007, Science, 317, 607-608 [PDF]

Through a Universe Darkly
McGaugh, S.S. 2006. Inaugural Letter from a Contrarian for Cosmic Controversy

MOND Over Matter
McGaugh, S.S. 2002, Astronomy Now, (January 2002 issue, pp. 63-65)

A Few Steps Back On The Decision Tree
McGaugh, S.S. 2000

Modified Newtonian Dynamics
McGaugh, S., & Schulman, E. 2000, Mercury, 29(2), 8

Other Contributions

BIG-SPARC: The new SPARC database
Haubner, K., Lelli, F., Di Teodoro, E., Duey, F., McGaugh, S., Schombert, J., Hess, K.M. , & the Apertif Team 2024, for IAU Symposium 392: Neutral Hydrogen in and around Galaxies in the SKA Era, Cape Town

The empirical laws of galaxy dynamics: from gas kinematics to weak lensing
Lelli, F., Mistele, T., McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J.M., & Li, P. 2024, for IAU General Assembly 2024, Focus Meeting 9: Measures of luminous and dark matter in galaxies across time, Cape Town

The oblateness of dark matter halos of nearby galaxies and its correlation with gas mass fractions
Das, M., Ianjamasimanana, R., McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J., & Dwarakanath, K.S. 2023, for IAU 379: Dynamical Masses of Local Group Galaxies, Potsdam

A comparison of the UV and HI properties of the extended UV (XUV) disk galaxies NGC 2541, NGC 5832 and ESO406-042
Das, M., Yadav, J., Patra, N.N., Dwarakanath, K.S., McGaugh, S.S., Schombert, J., Rahna, P.T., & Murthy, J. 2021, JApA, 42, 85
(part of the collection: AstroSat: Five Years in Orbit)

An Overview of the MHONGOOSE Survey: Observing Nearby Galaxies with MeerKAT
W.J.G. de Blok, E.A.K. Adams, P. Amram, E. Athanassoula, I. Bagetakos, C. Balkowski, M.A. Bershady, R. Beswick, F. Bigiel, S.-L. Blyth, A. Bosma, R.S. Booth, A. Bouchard, E. Brinks, C. Carignan, L. Chemin, F. Combes, J. Conway, E.C. Elson, J. English, B. Epinat, B.S. Frank, J. Fiege, F. Fraternali, J.S. Gallagher, B.K. Gibson, G. Heald, P.A. Henning, B.W. Holwerda, T.H. Jarrett, H. Jerjen, G.I. Józsa, M. Kapala, H.-R. Klöckner, B.S. Koribalski, R.C. Kraan-Korteweg, S. Leon, A. Leroy, S.I. Loubser, D.M. Lucero, S.S. McGaugh, G.R. Meurer, M. Meyer, M. Mogotsi, B. Namumba, S-H. Oh, T.A. Oosterloo, D.J. Pisano, A. Popping, S. Ratcliffe, J.A. Sellwood, E. Schinnerer, A.C. Schröder, K. Sheth, M.W.L. Smith, A. Sorgho, K. Spekkens, S. Stanimirovic, K. van der Heyden, W. van Driel, L. Verdes-Montenegro, F. Walter, T. Westmeier, E. Wilcots, T. Williams, O.I. Wong, P.A. Woudt, A. Zijlstra 2017, for "MeerKAT Science: On the Pathway to the SKA"

The Extended Baryonic Halo of NGC 3923
Miller, B.W., Ahumada, T., Puzia, T.H., Candlish, G.N., McGaugh, S.S., Mihos, J.C., Sanderson, R.E., Schirmer, M., Smith, R., Taylor, M.A. 2017 Galaxies, 5, 29 (8 pp) [PDF]

Tidal Dwarf Galaxies: Disc Formation at z=0
Lelli, F., Duc, P.-A., Brinks, E., McGaugh, S.S. 2015, Galaxies, 3(4), 184-191 [PDF]

Comment on "Evidence for dark matter in the inner Milky Way''
Stacy McGaugh, Federico Lelli, Marcel Pawlowski, Garry Angus, Olivier Bienayme, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Erwin de Blok, Benoit Famaey, Filippo Fraternali, Ken Freeman, Gianfranco Gentile, Rodrigo Ibata, Pavel Kroupa, Fabian Lughausen, Paul McMillan, David Merritt, Ivan Minchev, Giacomo Monari, Elena D'Onghia, Alice Quillen, Bob Sanders, Jerry Sellwood, Arnaud Siebert, Hongsheng Zhao, 2015, in response to arXiv:1502.03821

The MOND phenomenology
Famaey, B., & McGaugh, S.S. 2013, Invited review at the "Rencontres du Vietnam"

Challenges for Lambda-CDM and MOND
Famaey, B., & McGaugh, S.S. 2013, for the Proceedings of the Meeting of the International Association for Relativistic Dynamics, IARD 2012, Florence.

From Massive Galactic Spiral Arms to Subtle Solar System Perturbations
McGaugh, S.S. 2012, Timberline DDA meeting

MOND: An Empiricist's Perspective
McGaugh, S.S. 2012, dark matter seminar, University of Arizona

Deviations from the Baryonic Tully Fisher Relation
McGaugh, S.S. 2012, lunch talk at KITP

Missing the Point - a Brief Reply to Foreman & Scott and Gnedin
McGaugh, S.S., 2011

Tidal Effects in the Ultrafaint Dwarf Satellite Galaxies of the Milky Way
McGaugh, S.S. 2011, Austin DDA meeting

Dark Matter in Dwarf Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., 2010, for Advances in Theoretical and Observational Cosmology, Maryland

VLT/VIMOS Integral field kinematics of the Giant Low Surface Brightness galaxy ESO 323-G064
Coccato, L., Swaters, R., Rubin, V.C., D'Odorico, S., & McGaugh, S.S. 2007, Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks

Radio Observations of AGN in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Das, M., McGaugh, S.S., Kantharia, N., & Vogel, S.N. 2007, IAU Symposium 244: Dark Galaxies & Lost Baryons

Radio Observations of the AGN and Gas in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Das, M., O'Neil, K., Kantharia, N., Vogel, S.N., & McGaugh, S.S. 2006, IAU Symposium 235: Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time, 135

Two Dimensional Velocity Fields of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
Kuzio de Naray, R., McGaugh, S.S., de Blok, W.J.G., & Bosma, A. 2005, Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures, eds. G. Mamon, F. Combes, C. Deffayet & B. Fort (EDP Sciences), 285-286

Mass discrepancies in the universe: dark matter or different dynamics?
Talk given at the Perimeter Institute, April 27, 2004

MOND in the Early Universe
McGaugh, S.S. 1998, After the Dark Ages: When Galaxies Were Young (the Universe at 2 < z < 5), eds. Holt, S.S. & Smith, E.P. (Woodbury: American Institute of Physcis), AIP 470, 72-75

The Baryon Fraction Distribution and the Tully-Fisher Relation
McGaugh, S.S. & de Blok, W.J.G. 1998, Galactic Halos: A UC Santa Cruz Workshop, ed. Zaritsky, D., (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), ASP 136, 210-212

Dark Matter in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
de Blok, W.J.G., & McGaugh, S.S. 1997, Dark Matter in Galaxies and Cosmological Implications, eds. Salluci, P. & Persic, M., 39-46

Gas Content and Star Formation Thresholds in the Evolution of Spiral Galaxies
McGaugh, S.S., & de Blok, W.J.G. 1997, in Star Formation, Near and Far, eds. Holt, S.S. & Mundy, L.G. (Woodbury: American Institue of Physics), AIP 393, 510-513

Dynamical Stability and Galaxy Evolution in LSB Disk Galaxies
Mihos, J.C., McGaugh, S.S., & de Blok, W.J.G. 1997, in Star Formation, Near and Far, eds. Holt, S.S. & Mundy, L.G. (Woodbury: American Institue of Physics), AIP 393, 311-314

Properties of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
W. J. G. de Blok, J. M. van der Hulst, S. S. McGaugh 1996, in IAU Symposium No. 171: New Light on Galaxy Evolution, eds. Bender, R. & Davies, R.L. (Dordrecht: Kluwer), 35

The Contribution of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies to Faint Galaxy Number Counts
Ferguson, H.C. & McGaugh, S.S. 1994, in Quantifying Galaxy Morphology at High Redshift

Chemical abundances in low surface brightness galaxies: Implications for their evolution
McGaugh, S.S., & Bothun, G.D. 1993, in The Evolution of Galaxies and Their Environment, 88-89

Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
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